What are some good protein shakes and good Multi-V..

I read that starting protein shakes and taking multivitamins daily pre-op promotes faster healing time post op, what are some good protein shakes that I could purchase. Also it is to my understanding that slimfast is not that good for you, is this so? And if it helps, I plan to have lap RNY unless dr. says otherwise ... thnx in advance    — pixiefairy (posted on August 24, 2006)

August 24, 2006
I drink Muscle Milk - I get it from GNC. Its already premixed. I believe they do have powder. The premaid is more expensive. I just need the convenience. I also really like the Power Crunch bars - 14-15 gm of protein in them too. you can get those at there are so many types of protein drinks - you will have to experiement to see what you like and what you don't. other people love isopure from GNC - i can't stand it - but others love it. good luck! I am 10.5 months post op down 104lbs and have plastic surgery scheduled for 9/19. its an incredible journey - good luck with your!
   — akirsch

August 24, 2006
I use Any whey protein it's a flavorless protein powder( 1 scoop is 17 g 70 calories) and when added to different things you can't even taste it. I get it from I also have tried protein delight which is pretty good( I think it's like 104 calories for a scoop of 20 g) I lilke to use south beach protein bars( 180 cal. and 19 g protein or zone perfect) I think they are both delicious. For vitamins I take liquid calcium citrate from tropical oasis which is good. When I first had my surgery I used chewable centrum but now just take reg. multi vitamins. I hope I've helped. Goodluck on your journey. Jeannie
   — jjeanniespets1

August 24, 2006
If you email me privately, I can send you a pre-op plan that might drop a few lbs before surgery. A lot of docs are requiring that, so this might help. A milti vite isn't quite enough for us post op. We also need iron + C, calcium, dry form A, D, E, zinc, B1, and then a sublingual B12. I use 3-4 different proteins, but all mix with water, usually 4-6 oz, I get 30g protein and no sugars or fats of any consequence. I use Champion Pure Whey Stack choco and ProScore 100 choco and then IDS cinnamon-vanilla. All are whey.
   — vitalady

August 24, 2006
Hi Nichole We believe OH should require all supplement vendors who post on OH should identify themselves as vendors. Then, members can evaluate their comments in that context. For example, Michelle Curran, who posted above is a vendor, and her product advice advice is not always scientifically sound. Jerome UNJURY Protein

August 24, 2006
I use Champion Whey Protein as well, Iuse the Chocolate or Vanilla you can get samples to try before you buy a big can Stay away from Slim fast too much sugar & carb in them. As fpr Vitamins before surgery just a multi-vitamin I take the chewable vitamins from Nature Made I am 2 1/2 years out and still take chewables. I do not have a problem with taking pills, but like the nature made chewables flavor & get what I need out of them I usually take 3 of them a day along with my calcium, iron, b vits & fish oil capsuls. Trying to change your eating habits prior to surgery is not a bad thing just realize you will not be able to stick to the 4 oz of food until after your surgery. That is impossible to do with a full size stomach. Good luck with your surgery & I know you will do just fine.
   — Marilyn C.

August 24, 2006
Hi nicole...good luck to you. Slim Fast in and of itself has a lot of vitamins in it. It is not bad for you...I think it is just impossible to follow the plan long term so any weight lost from it (when people are using it to lose weight) will be gained back when you stop. It has a good amount of protein as well. I liked slim fast pre op but now it just makes me want to gag. However, PVL makes a line called whey gourmet....there are several fabulous flavors such as arctic cappuccino blast and raspberry smoothie...what I do is blend them with 1 cup of FF calorie countdown milk, handfulls of icecubes and scoop of powder...very good!!
   — SteffieBear15

August 24, 2006
I find I can stand the Slim Fast Low Carb - it has 20 grams protein and less sugar/carbs. I usually only use it for convenience -- when I need to take a can along with me. I also love Nectar Roadside Lemonade (from I gag on Isopure and the other chalky protein shakes. Bariatric eating also has a sample pack so you can try different ones before you commit to the whole jug.
   — KC

August 24, 2006
I was told by my doctor and also my nutritionist not to use meal replacement drinks like Slim FAst. I use the Isopure Whey protein in Dutch Chocolate, and am not a vendor.
   — Novashannon

August 24, 2006
Hi Nicole, I love Unjury protein ~ they have samples and it is worth trying...everyone has different tastes. I have tried several brands and I come back to Unjury. Their website is For protein bars I like Pure Protein ~ I get them at WalMart and they run just under $6.00 for a box of 6. They have 20 grams of protein and are yummy! The peanut butter one tastes just like a candy bar - without the guilt!! Good luck in your search. Blessings, Monica
   — MonicaCarr

August 25, 2006
Hey there... Great Question... I wished everyone thought like you... Your protein and nutrition is so very important and is the key to wellness... You will have to find what fits you the best. I went through many before I found what made me happy, with the help of my old nutritionist explaining the value of life after gastric bypass and teaching me the importance of finding a way to balance my life after I fell of the wagon and strated my regain, became very unhealthy, lost the desire of this "TOOL". I did take real look at the problem and it was me. I took advice and overcame my problem... It is up to you to find what is good for you. What is good for others, you may have a different view. Do your search and know that it is about lifestyle and choose what will help you change an obese mind! Find your 'WHY" Our bodies are lacking in Nutrition ... NOT PROSAC! Look at the obesity epidemic and know that this is a fast food world of NO time to value our health. Approx 70% of doctors visits today are diet related...Poor Nutrition, we are in need of nutrition, you see that there is a need for value of health I do not know about slim fast except that I only look at the ones that give me what I need in balance and I make sure I get the correct amount of protein and nutrition in my body several times per day as my body can only absorb a certain amount of protein per hour... Hope this helps... Celeste Momin from 327 to 125 and very lean in a healthy way! Now a figure competitor! Check out the inspirational in September issue of OH magazine. You can see many stories as well as mine!
   — shakeyourweight

August 25, 2006
Hi Nicole, I am on Day 5 of my 10-day required liquid pre-op diet. I use Atkins shakes which were recommended by my surgeon. They do not taste bad- 160 cal, 15g protein. I was able to buy the shakes in bulk at our local wholesale club, so I saved a little money.
   — AmyinMA

August 25, 2006
I am not a vendor. I think it's underhanded and unprofessional for one vendor to put down another on a public forum. That said, if Michelle Curran's advice is not scientifically sound, so be it...I've followed it, and am a long term success, just as she is. I will never argue with success. What I mean by success is having great labs, and keeping the weight off. Sad that "unprofessional jealousy" must raise it's ugly head here when people are just trying to help others be as successful as they are. Regards~
   — Statuesque

August 25, 2006
Your dr will advise on what he thinks is best I'm sure. What I found to be the most convenient for me to have at work can be found at I use the ADVANTAGE PROTEIN DRINKS, AND BARS in the silver wrappers. I try to fins the most amount of protein with the least amount of carbs, and definately the least amount of sugar content possible. I just didnt do well with having to mix powders, so the premade drinks work best for me. Good luck!
   — mrsbrown42

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