I have heard several say they take prilosec/pepcid post op to "protect their pouch"

Is this necessary for everyone? What are you protecting the pouch from exactly and did you have issues pre-op to need these meds? I haven't had surgery yet, but any info would be helpful. Thank you    — eyeflirt4fun (posted on September 19, 2009)

September 19, 2009
i had surgery about 5 weeks ago and i'm taking prilosec. i'm new to the whole terminology so i don't really know what a "pouch" is. i had a lap gastric sleeve and the heartburn was SOOO bad i had to take prilosec. now that my stomach doesn't produce as much acid i might take one pill once a week. whereas after surgery i told them at least once maybe twice a day. i would definitely suggest for people going into this surgery to take prilosec like a week two weeks before so you build up a tolerance. let me be sure to note that i NEVER had heartburn before this.
   — LuvinATLHigh

September 19, 2009
I'm on prilosec. Its supposed to help the pouch with the heartburn and the lack of food in your stomach. The stomach acid will accumulate in your pouch, so the prilosec is supposed to help with it. At least that's what I understand. If I'm wrong and anyone knows it, please let me know so I can change my info.
   — Nina15137

September 19, 2009
I take prilosec to protect my pouch from my arthritis medication. It can cause ulcers.
   — Julzizhr

September 20, 2009
my doctor required that his patients take it to protect the pouch ( or smaller stomach). sometimes certain meds, stomach acids,etc. can irritate the pouch and this is a way of helping to prevent that. JoAnn

September 20, 2009
My surgeon puts all of his patients on Pepcid 20mg daily and after six months I'm still on it. Don't know for sure if I really need it, but I don't think it does any harm so why not? Bob
   — rkurquhart

September 20, 2009
In addition to the acid in the "new pouch", it helps with preventing eroding of the band also....Pepcid and Prilosec are really good choices to prevent alot of acid complications.
   — Banded7-27-09

September 20, 2009
Thanks everyone! Guess I'll get started on it then!
   — eyeflirt4fun

September 22, 2009
I am also on this for six months as well. For the very purpose, do watch this will make you dizzy at times if empty pouch... I find I need to take this early in the morning before going to drive for a while and right before bed...
   — aream

September 26, 2009
My Dr. told me to take Nexium for 3 months, I had RNY Aug. 13th. Each Dr. is different, mine is very conservative with the whole process.
   — FSUMom

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