anyone had gastic bypass after lap-band?

hello all. i had lap-band surgery in april of 07'. my weight loss has stopped and i'm only down 60 lbs. i'm so bummed. has anyone out there had bypass after being banded? are there any dr's in california that anyone knows of that will remove the band and do bypass?    — elmop77 (posted on November 8, 2008)

November 8, 2008
I had a Band for 5 years and lost approx. 80 lbs, but had terrible reflux every time I got a fill. After 5 years I had the Band removed, and had RNY gastric bypass. Since then, Ive lost another 35 pounds. It is still possible to stuff yourself and stretch you new pouch, but its much, much easier than having the Band. Good Luck. Ronda
   — Jasnsma

November 8, 2008
Hi Holly. My husband had the Lap-band done in 2006 with no weight loss. He had the Gastric Bypass surgery on May 5, 2008 and have lost 100 pounds already. Good luck with your decision and may God Bless you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 9, 2008
I would encourage you to work with your band. Usually the body adjust itself with many plataus. Plus basically the education on using the band is very poor. There are specific band rules that work well if you know them. I've had my band sinice 2005 and have had 4 plastic surgeries. I'm still about 30 lbs from goal, but am very healthy, walking marathons and do not want to take the chance of malabsorption issues and damaging my digestive system. CHeck out the Yahoo group smarterbandsters. There are excellent guidelines there and you'll start losing again. WLS is about life changes, not just weight loss. You want a changed life over a period of time to be healthy, not a quick fix. Be patient. It'll work if the band was put in right.
   — Barb McGraw

November 9, 2008
Hi. I am in California and I would say that it is quite common for doctors to do a revision from lap band to bypass. Contact a bariatric surgeon in your area and I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised. I am in the process now of getting my malfunctioning band removed and RNY done. Good luck.
   — ptdawn

November 9, 2008
I am one of those people that firmly believes that no matter what WLS you have, they don't fix your brain or your emotional issues surrounding food. If you follow the Band rules, you will lose weight. Allow yourself to feel and work through your emotional issues without stuffing them with food and you'll do fine. No WLS can do that for you. Dawn Vickers
   — DawnVic

November 10, 2008
Hi, i had lab band on 3/6/2006 and then gastric bypass on 11/6/2006 because i had and infection with the band. i lost 40 lbs with the band total weight loss 96 lbrs not to happy but working on it.who paid for your surgery?insurance or your self? Good Luck:)
   — smile915

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