I am 3 months out and wanted to know what I can eat?

I am 3 months out Lap Gastric Bypass and I want to know what I can eat now. Please I am going crazy with the same stuff like tuna, soup, egg salad. I am also starting to fell left out when my family orders out and I fell so bad when they want to go out to eat because I am scared on what i can have I dont want to get sick in public. Thank you    — alicia128 (posted on September 25, 2008)

September 25, 2008
You have to learn what your stomach can and cannot tolerate by trying things in small amounts. No one here can tell you have to know your own body. I guess I'm lucky in that I can eat anything in small amounts. No one said this was going to be easy or that your life would be the same. IT IS HARD not to be able to enjoy food like before, however, this is the reason why surgery works. I guess you just have to tell yourself that you chose WLS for a reason and accept the consequences. There's no reason why you have to eat the same things all the time. There is so much variety out there and even though you may not be able to eat everything there still should be enough to keep you interested. When I go out, I often get a few bits of this and that from the of course. Or I share with someone and try to enjoy the time spent together rather than worrying about what I can't eat. I also still cook gourmet food and am still able to enjoy the experience without doing all the eating. Again, this is not easy, and was a real mental adjustment. But now after 9 months I'm doing better. Just hang in there (not that you have a choice) and work on your mental attitude about how to deal with all of this. It DOES get better and good luck to you.
   — cjjordan

September 25, 2008
Hi Alicia, I have had lap band and my friend bypass. He had his surgery 3 months before mine. We really like going to dinner together and I remember he use to order turkey dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy and all the fixings. He wasn't able to eat much of it but we sure had fun. Now when we go our for dinner we know to allow at least an hour for eating and are doing just fine. Remeber no bread, pasta or rice and you'll do fine. Good luck Mary-Anne
   — mannecote

September 25, 2008
You need to start trying things at home...I would definately not be for trying things out because it is not fun getting sick out and having to pace the bathroom while everyone else eats...Start trying things you know you like that are high in meat, I am 3 months out in 5 days and eat out all the time..have no problems if I take my time and order right... I stay away from things that are very fatty or dry....Salads I have to be careful with...Fresh pasta is definately harder that dry pasta but not impossible in very small amounts...I usually pick out most of the meat and then eat a few bits of pasta.. I have eaten a slice of pizza..usually a 1/4 to a 1/3 of a restaraunt meal is what I wil eat very slowly and concentrate...You will get to know what the texture is that bothers you and you will start to know your problem foods and situations, you will learn how to control your body, but only if you start trying stuff..
   — lori042499

September 25, 2008
I was struggeling when we go out to eat I was ordering my own food anything I wanted that I could eat but 1 or 2 bites I was full so now I share with my husband. And I was scared of getting ill also I know as u do when to stop. to eat slow, to think as I eat. You know your limits we should be able to enjoy our selves when out. we need to learn our tool use it the right way. I was even making myself sick just before eating thinking I was going to get sick before I even ate. It has been 3 weeks since the last time I vomited cause of my stupidity and not thinking while eatng> I really need to think each time I put something in my mouth I have enjoyed this new tool. Hopefully one day I will be able to eat and know when to stop. Any questions or wat to share more email me Best of Luck Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

September 25, 2008
Yes it is difficult, but all worth it. I am 2 plus years out and I still have to be very careful. When I go out now I usually only order an appetiser or al a carte. Never a whole dinner and when I was at the beginning I did not order anything just ate off of others plates and that worked real well. I know potatoes have a lot of carbs in them, but I would order a baked potatoe and eat slow and not all of it. Another thing I would eat is a cup of soup. That seemed to be satisfying
   — pjwinslow

September 25, 2008
With your Doc's ok, you should be eating pretty much everything now, in small amounts, with the exception of sugary and fatty foods. I agree with others that you might be best to try new foods at home, in case they don't agree with you. Take small bites and eat slowly. I love baked sweet potatoes and ground turkey meat balls with marinara sauce and fresh fish (shrimp, lobster, tilapia, haddock, trout, salmon. I am 6 weeks out and have started with small bits of salad, which I love. Wendy's Chili is delicious for a quick bite out. We are all different, but take it slow and don't be afraid. Think of it as a lovely adventure! Good luck!
   — MoodyBlueEyes

September 26, 2008
Hi ! I , too , am 3 months out. I eat a lot of stuff. I just try to eat healthy stuff. Nothing fried, nothing too fatty and no white flour. When I go out, however, I ask if they have soup that they ladel out,and if they do, I order a cup of broth from the soup. I get my fluids in and eat what I can at home. I still feel like part of the group and I enjoy the 'soup'. It isn't wasting a whole order and I get satisfied. Hope you find this helpful. Also , I agree with another new things at home!
   — gpcmist

September 27, 2008
Hi Alicia. I had the lap-band 14 months ago. My nutritionists suggest that I try every type of food at least twice before giving up on it all together. Honestly, there are some days I can eat just about anything, and others that I can hardly get a bite of food down. But, for the most part, I can eat any food my heart desires; including pizza, rice, pasta, potatos, Subway sandwiches, and french fries (this also depends on the day, some days I can, other days I vomit it up!). The one food I can not seem to handle is chicken wings. I suppose the skins are just too tough. I just make myself work extra hard at chewing. Chew, chew, chew! It's a must. My sister, on the other hand, is two years out and still has difficulty with breads. The best advise... try everything. If it gives you a hard time, try again and concentrate on chewing well. If it still gives you a hard time, maybe take a break from that food and go on to something else you really love. You will be able to eat and feel "normal" again. You will just learn to eat less, and enjoy more! Best wishes to you!
   — laroo125

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