Has anyone tried those quick dissolving Claritin tabs?

I mean to tell you they are QUICK!!! Why the heck aren't ALL medications like that? Beats the HECK out of swollowing giant horsepills. Anyone know if any of the vitamins we are supposed to take of the QUICK dissolving nature?    — Ginger M. (posted on August 14, 2003)

August 13, 2003
I just have a suggestion that might work for vitamins for you. If you make your own protein drinks in a blender, take your vitamins and toss them in the blender when you are making up your drink. I use Andrew Lessman's vitamins which don't have any fillers etc but there are 5 capsules. I called the company to make sure it was safe to do this--they said YES. So I tried it (I'm pre-op and am very sensitive to fillers in vitamins so didn't want to change brands). I put water in the blender, added my vitamins and mixed. Then added protein powder, 1/2 cup of frozen unsweetened berries. I couldn't even taste the vitamins. Worked great for me. Here's the link to the vitamins ...
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 15, 2003
Ginger, I have to tell you, they are THE greatest. I can't wait until all meds are quick-dissolving. And I think it's only a few years away!!!
   — SweetDragonfly

August 18, 2003
The website - They have great deals on vitamins, b-12, Chocolate or Mint flavor calcium lozenges (that dissolve in your mouth!) They also give you a VOLUME discount! It is great and recommended to me by my nutritionist!
   — Tanya H.

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