Does NewWeigh in Houston, Texas--I think that is how it is spelled

do revisions for Gastric Bypass? I had it done almost 5 years ago and I am still morbidly obese i started out at 480 lbs and I am down to 270, but it seems no matter what I do, I cannot shed any more weight, I have not always eaten the correct things, But I need to know if I have one more chance to get this right..ALso does anyone have their contact info? My orginal surgeon no longer accepts my insurance, but I heard that neweigh are really good about getting approval..Thanks    — tylerswife (posted on February 26, 2007)

February 26, 2007
Well, how tall are you and how much are you able to eat? I had my surgery at New Dimensions Weight Loss Center in San Antonio. John Pilcher, Jr.
   — blm4602

March 5, 2007
I went through Neweigh and they helped me tremendously. Request Dr. Jakamyer. He is the best Dr. in Houston and the team did everything for me. They told me not to call my insurance co, it was there job to get me approved. And they organized and made all my preop appointments for the same day and the same block. I would recommend them 100%. Email me if you need to talk I will gladly share my experience with them. [email protected].
   — cbarrientez

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