TTer's How long back to wk? Pain? Ins cov? Regrets?

2 Yr PP, planning on having upper & lower tummy tuck this Nov..How long did it take for you's to get back to work? my plastic surgeon says 6 wks, I think that's pretty long if you have a sedentary job. How painfull was it? Do they have to cut through alot of muscle? Are there any web sites out there that explains various TT proceedures. Did you's have to wear a binder? How long was your hospital stay? Did your Ins pay for it and what were their requirements? Approx how long did it take to get Ins approval? I have BC/BS Il. Does anyone have any regrets or words of wisdom. Thanks    — Barbara M. (posted on July 14, 2003)

July 14, 2003
I do not have an answer to this question But I am SO GLAD you asked it as I go for my PS consult on the 24th and I also have a sedentary job. That I love but BORES me to death and I am interested in the answers! Also GOOD LUCK ON Your TT
   — Sabrina H_NC

July 14, 2003
I don't know the answers either but I am in approximately the same situation! So I am glad you asked this too. Let's just hope we can find a BC/BS of Ill postop that can give us a few answers. Please? and Thank You!
   — Mylou52

July 14, 2003
I had an upper/lower adominoplasty with double hernia repair, as well as a bracioplasty (arm lift) as an out-patient on 6/25/03. I am 61 years old. Two drains were placed in my belly. I was really worried about it, but it proved to be a piece of cake. I think the key was that, as soon as I was discharged about 2 hours after my surgery, I began drinking Gatorade to rehydrate me and restore my electro-lights. On 7-14-03 I returned to work, but I really could have returned to work on 7-7-03. Because I felt so good on 7-7-03 when the doctor removed one of the drains, I went for a week's vacation in Florida to visit my mother. Of course I didn't do anything strenuous, but I certainly was in no pain and returned to my two-mile walks every morning. Certainly hope that you get along as well as I did.
   — Penolyn V.

July 14, 2003
I had a TT on April 29th. I didn't really have hanging skin just a little squishy and I had a lot of stretch marks. I had less than two pounds removed. And my insurance covered it 100% with pictures in about a week. I had a bikini cut with muscle tightening. I had my rny lap and had back to work in 14 days. I will admit this was worse. At two weeks post op I still couldn't stand upright. I would say that you need four weeks before going back to work even with an office type job. Regret it? No way, I wore my first bikini since I was a kid a couple of weeks ago. If you would like to see before and after pics of the TT, shoot me an email I have them on my home computer and I am at work right now.
   — Linda A.

July 14, 2003
I had an abdominoplasty on July 8, 2003. I had about 10 lbs removed and my abdominal muscles reconstructed. Honestly, lying or sitting down is no pain..... getting out of bed and/or walking it VERY painful. You have no idea how much you use your abdominal muscles until you have this surgery. My hospital stay was only one day. You MUST walk around ASAP so that blood clots won't occur. In the beginning the pain seems unbearable but it does get better the more you move around. I do have 2 drain tubes on both sides of my incisions. These are a pain in the butt. (hahah) I go today to have them removed. (Thank you JESUS!) Yes, my insurance company approved my surgery. I have BC/BS of Florida Health Options (HMO). I was denied at first then after an appeal I was approved. The key to getting approved is to proved medically necessary... and do not refer this surgery as cosmetic surgery....refer it as RECONSTRUCTIVE surgery. I submitted my personal letter explaining why I must have this surgery, a letter from my Plastic Surgeon along with photos, copies of notes from my chiropractor stating I had lower back pain, and a letter from my PCP. After all this, I was denied! I'd appealed the denial! I sent a second personal letter saying that this was NOT cosmetic surgery and if they did not overturn their decision that I was going to have the State of Florida Insurance Commission get involved. Also, during the appeal review, I had asked that myself and my PCP conference call the review board. During the review my PCP stated that she had treated me for rashes due to the hanging skin and I AGAIN stated this was NOT cosmetic surgery. The next day I was APPROVED. All I can say is to prove your surgery as medically necessary and you will be approved. Don't give up even if you're denied! Good Luck.
   — Jeanette D.

July 15, 2003
I had an extended abdomnioplasty, breastlift and extended brachioplasty on March 31, 03. I LOVE IT!! I was off work (secretary) for only 2 weeks. I came back 1/2 days at first cause I was so tired by about 2:00. Fulltime by 3 weeks. Pain: Depends on how much muscle tightening you need. I didn't need a lot since my Dr. said I was 'built' and not having kids helped too. My friend had hers done a week later and she had ALOT of pain cause she had alot of muscle tightening. So, just depends. I had to wear a binder for about a month. Keeps the swelling down and the scars flat. You will wake up with one on. I had a 9 hour operation and I was out of the hospital the next morning! Some people stay a couple of days; just depends. I was also a self pay and it cost me $19k! Words of wisdom? The drains are a pain in the butt and irksome! They are in for 2 weeks. Oh, and take the drugs! They help!
   — Kris T.

July 15, 2003
I took 3 weeks off work and could have been back in 2. Very easy operation. Very little pain - no muscles cut. It was the best decision of my life. My whole attitude about my body changed after having it done.
   — Patty H.

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