Please contact me with your comments about thigh lifts

I'm scheduled for a brachioplasty and thigh lift two weeks from today. Would you please contact me if you've had either of these, especially a thigh lift as to what to expect about recovery, when you went back to work, etc. Please email me directly at [email protected] Thanks.    — Audrey M. (posted on July 20, 2001)

July 20, 2001
Dear Audrey and Barb: I've had brachioplasty, breast reduction, implants, eyelift, necklift, abdominoplasty and thighlift. All that remains is my lowerbody lift (butt and outer thighs). These were grouped into 3 separate surgical sessions and I am very pleased with the results. As far as ease of recovery goes, the brachioplasty, mastopexy, implants, eyes and neck were easy as pie. The stomach was harder, but the thighs were the hardest of all. The thighs have the highest rate of postop complications -- swelling, drainage, mess and ook! Please note that I did not have much pain with any of my procedures -- pain meds for a few days after surgery were very satisfactory, and I was back to work a week after each bunch of procedures. However, with the thighs I was on 5 different courses of antibiodics and for a week or two was a regular visitor at my PS's office for him to drain accumulated fluids, etc. I'm not in any way trying to discourage you. As I said, I'll be going back to finish the job soon, but being prepared for whatever happens helps. Get supplied with Kotex and Chux (for drainage -- cheaper and more convenient for the copious post-op messes) and keep those legs elevated as much as possible. Reconstructive Surgery IMHO is more about messiness, discomfort and inconvenience than pain and suffer. Pain management seems to be able to be better handled with PS than with more intrustive surgeries, like WLS. Don't be nervous as I'm sure you'll lovour esults. Ask your PS to measure how much weight they remove from your thighs and arms. I lost 5 lbs o my arms and breasts, and 6 each on my abdomine and thighs. Am wondering how much my hanging caboose will weigh (LOL),
   — Jill L.

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