I have a fear of going to the bathroom in public restrooms,is this normal?

I am 5 months post op and have a major fear of going poop in a public restroom,Iv'e had this fear for years but it is alot worse since surgery,it's almost controling my life. Yesterday I was at the mall with my Mom and had to drive 15 minutes to get home,I almost didn't make it! I am scared to go in public because it smells so terrible! Is there anything that can help me get over this? Anyone understand?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 17, 2001)

July 16, 2001
I have always been a bit hesitant about going in public, and would often wait to "let go" until everyone else had left. Post-op, since I go more often, I finally recognized that everyone's poop stinks, that I was never really horrified by anyone else's smell, and that I was simply not going to compromise my quality of life (that's why I had the surgery, after all!). I still try to be polite, use a courtesy flush right away. If you are really concerned, carry a small purse size spray with you (I like Ozium citrus) and spritz once or twice. Good luck. Kate
   — kateseidel

July 17, 2001
being a distal my poop smells awful I try not to have to use public bathrooms but sometimes it is impossible not to. First when I start going I flush the toliet and continue flushing as i go and spritz the air with a concentrated spray like the citrus one mentioned above vitalady sells one that is suppose to immediately eliminate the odor.. Your not alone in this phobia. But even with all the pooping it is worth it down 91 pounds and feeling great Kathy
   — Kathleen M.

July 17, 2001
I can relate. I am pre-op, but have an aversion to pooping in public. I also, have this silly notion that if I come out of the stall someone may think that of course I have smelly poops because I am fat! (as if you have to be fat....duh) I work in a busy 36 story office bulding and have, at times, gone to three bathrooms until I found one that was empty! One day, te person in the stall next to me kept flushing and flushing. I thought it was a bit odd, but I figured out why. It keeps the smell from rising and it works!
   — [Anonymous]

July 17, 2001
I know several people who have gone through this. Personally I dont like to but I will go in public.. sometimes I just have to. I wonder think its a treable condition and I would talk w/ your Dr about it. It's like people who fear speaking in public etc.. I can't help but think it falls along those same lines and bet it could be treated w/ panic or anxiety meds or counseling etc. Gosh its a natural thing.. everyone has to go.. you know?
   — [Anonymous]

July 17, 2001
Gosh, I thought I was the only one! This is my worst phobia. I had been seeing a counselor for a few years for depression/anxiety and it was only recently that I got up enough courage to bring this problem up to her. I wanted to put a paper bag on my head b/c I was so embarassed & knew I was as red as a beet. But, I only brought the subject up once, so I still have the phobia. I just *CAN'T* go in a public restroom. I'm most embarassed about the noise (fart, plop, splash) & then the smell. I wait till the coast is clear & everyone is gone & then I cautiously but quickly try to go. But it ticks me off when it always seems that when the "bomb" is just about to drop, THAT'S when someone walks in! Then my butt sucks it back in & I hold it till I get home. I know this is abnormal. Other people come in the restroom & start pooping with no hang-ups & I get resentful of them for being able to poop without fear. Sometimes I try to go despite my phobia by keeping in mind that everyone poops & that nobody's poop smells like roses, but no matter how much I psyche myself up to going, it just won't come out (& I'm not talking about constipation). Only unless I feel secure that I am definitely alone, then I can let it go. As embarassing as the subject is, the best treatment is counseling. My husband has no problem going in public restrooms & he once told me a funny story. He was going once in the high school (where he teaches) restroom & he said two janitors walked in talking. One of them said, "Oh man! This one's RIPE!!!" I laughed so hard when he told me about this! But seriously, it's not good to hold the poop in. Just keep in mind, "When ya gotta go ya gotta go!" The other posters gave some good advice - to flush as soon as it drops. And bring the air freshener. I haven't done this, but I will in the future.
   — [Anonymous]

July 17, 2001
Well, the first thing I want to say is that I have some serious points to make, and being me, can not post only those. I feel "compelled" to bring my own brand of humor to this situation, so apologies in advance if I offend the question poster or any reader. Not my intentions at all. I think lots of ppl have this issue. I know I do, as well as ppl anywhere I've been where the subject was discussed. I wonder where the "seed" forms that we should not just do what comes naturally. I remember a story that my fiance told me about a man he knew who had been with his wife for 7 yrs, and had never seen, heard, or smelled that she had a bowel movement, or even a fart! She would always wait and do it when he wasn't home! That is crazy, I think. I would be willing to bet that it is more a woman thing than a man thing. We women have been told and retold what is "ladylike" and what is not for so long that we have issues with being so "dirty". Men are sort of proud of "smoking" someone else out, in a lot of cases. On the other hand, I try very hard to not go in the same bathroom as our bedroom if my fiance is in there, to be courteous to him. He does the same for me. We have 3 bathrooms in our house so I go to the other one. Now if we're downstairs, and nature happens, it happens. Anyway, I digress slightly :). Another helpful hint for public potty, now this is graphic...for the "remains" shall we say, on the porcelain? I heard a tip to put an A** gasket (those paper barriers) on the top of the water before you sit to go. It helps keep the "product", if you will, off of the bowl floor, and when you courtesy flush it will not leave marks. That's saved me from having to wait around for the back to fill with water again so I can "wipe the slate clean". I think my answer (now pre-op), is to take the Devrom, or another pill that is supposed to be helpful with odor, then bring the ozium, put the paper down, and courtesy flush. See,I'm worried! When you have a checklist for things like this, you're probably overthinking it, eh? Maybe we should start a public potty remedial class, where we practice in a row? We could meet at the nearest airport bathroom...J/K
   — [Anonymous]

July 17, 2001
Oh, I thought I "outed" myself with the last long winded post about this subject. Well, I'm not going to hide behind anonymous. I posted the message that talked about the a$$ gasket. There, I said it. :0
   — Vanessa C.

July 17, 2001
Well guys I have several bathroom fears in public. 1/ if the toilet hangs on the was as opposed to standing on the floor I am terrified it will break. I've had several chairs break under me 400 lbs. 2/ I am pee shy and poop shy. I cant move anything unless the place is empty. I will sit in the stall forever waiting for the place to clear out. Luckily one it all gets going I am fine. 3/ I am also very afraid that one day at work or public in general that I will find I am no longer able to wipe. I currently do contortions like crazy now. Thank God my surgery's in Sept. Not too much longer of this.
   — Jennifer H.

July 22, 2001
I used to have a real bad problem feeling comfortable enough to go in a public restroom. I don't do it very often because I'm real picky about how often they clean them and if it doesn't look clean, and I can hold it, then I do. However, there are occassion when I just can't hold it any longer. What do I do to get over the hang up? I pretend that my %^#$ doesn't stink, and remember that I'll never see these people again. And if I do, I probably won't remember them anyway. Now if I'm at work that's a different story. I do know these people and will see them again. I try to time my chore for when everyone else is steadily working. Since the walls are very thin, I do a lot of flushing, and if anyone does say anything(which I have had them do because we are all a family and tease one another constantly) I make sure they know that it wasn't me because my ^&%$ doesn't stink:)
   — K T.

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