Has anyone had a beltlipectomy?

Has anyone heard of the plastic prodedure called a "Beltlipectomy?" This is like a face-lift for the lower body, in that the skin on the stomach, hips, lower back, outer legs and buttocks is pulled up and cut off. Apparently this is much more extensive than the tummy tucks. Also, I'm wondering if it matters if one has the tummy tuck before or after the plastic surgery on the legs. Does it matter which is first?    — Kristy J. (posted on May 24, 2001)

May 24, 2001
I did hear of a "body lift" before. I am not sure if it's the same thing you are talking about. It was featured on a news magazine (like 20/20)about 2 years ago. The lady who had it done had lost 60lbs -most of it from her lower part of her body. Her belly and thigh skin really hung on her. The incision went the WHOLE way around her body, like a belt! It looked very painful! How would you ever be able to sleep? You wouldn't be able to get comfortable in ANY position. It's funny you brought it up! I was just wondering about that lady the other day - was wondering if she was able to keep the weight off!
   — Karen B.

May 24, 2001
My surgeon told me I would be a good candidate for a bodylift,as a lot of my weight is carried on my bottom half. I don't know if I will do anything so extreme, I'll have to wait and see how everything "falls" into place once I get all the weight off. I know that it does leave quite a scar around your waist.
   — Kim B.

August 1, 2001
I did, in fact, have the lower body lift, twice. It seems everything I do, I have to have done twice. It was not extremely painful but I was uncomfortable for a few days and then sore for a few weeks. I do have a "belt" like scar around my body. The scar bothers me but not to the degree that I regret having the skin removed, the skin was more disgusting than the scar! The reason I had to have it done twice, was because after the first body lift (there was 7 lbs of weight removed), which was about 1 year out, my skin just decided to fall some more. So in Feb 2001, I did it again (this time 5 lbs of weight was removed). I am very pleased with the outcome with the exception of the legs, just above the knee area. I still have sagging skin which can only be fixed if they cut me inside the thigh from the knee area up and I don't want or need any more apparent scars. If anyone has any specific questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Good luck to all!
   — Renee C.

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