I've heard that sleeping in a recliner is most comfortable after surgery...

i've heard it's too uncomfortable to sleep in bed after sugery and most recommend a recliner. i do not have one. any suggestions? how long before sleep should be comfortable in bed? lap scheduled 4/23/01. thank you.    — rose N. (posted on March 23, 2001)

March 23, 2001
I am five weeks post op and slept in a recliner for about four weeks believe it or not.. THe main problem is that I sleep on my stomach and CANNOT sleep in a bed any other way. So i found my husbands big comfy recliner great.. Now I kinda sleep on my side/stomach with a pillow... I would suggest maybe a comfy chair and footstool or something to put your feet up on or if you can sleep on your back in bed.. lots of pillows below and around you.
   — Gail M.

March 23, 2001
I had seen somewhere on this site where someone suggested a recliner for sleeping. I am 11 days post-op with a Open RNY, and I am so very thankful that I went out and rented a Rocker Recliner before leaving for the hospital. The Recliner as truly been a life saver, I sleep so soundly in it...and I am the type of person who always has to sleep in her own bed to sleep restfully. I went to my local furniture rental store, and found the biggest comfiest looking chair in the store and told them I wanted it delivered to my house. I only pay $18 a week for it, and some rental furniture companys run specials where you can get a week free. Take it from a woman who had a c-section 3 yrs ago, and had no recliner to a woman who just had a OPen RNY, that a recliner is most defintely the way to go. =o) Good Luck with your surgery!
   — Kimberly N.

March 24, 2001
I had to sleep in a recliner for about 10 days after I came home from the hospital. I had open RNY.
   — Lisa B.

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