what can I take for a severe sore throat

   — terri M. (posted on April 16, 2005)

April 16, 2005
Terri, try taking tylenol severe allergy it covers the sore throat along with other allergies, and try sucking on halls maximum strength cough drops, or even sucrests lozenges, and gargle your throat with warm salt water every hour, it will take the phlem build up of the back of the wall of your throat, and it will fell less irratating, take in lots of liquids.
   — johnlette H.

April 16, 2005
Just use plain old salt water and gargle a few times a day I think with warm water is best. Best remedy for a sore throat.
   — KRWaters

April 16, 2005
Especially if you've been running a fever, call your doctor and have them check to make sure that you don't have strep throat. If so, you'll have to go on antibiotics. Also, chloraseptic has some good products for sore throats. I think they even have "breath strip" type things for sore throats these days.
   — nursekuba

April 16, 2005
If it's the worst sore throat you've ever had. Get it checked by the Dr. There are tons of things it could be that you would need antibiotics for. If it's not the worst salt water, chloroseptic, etc.
   — bettya

April 16, 2005
I just went thru this last weekend. I went to urgent care on Sunday morning it was so bad. The PA there gave me a steroid shot to help with the swelling and a script for penicillin. He also gave me a script for a single prednisone pill to take the following day. Between the steroids, the antibiotic and some Tylenol Sore Throat for the pain, I was feeling a lot better by Sunday evening and by Monday afternoon after the prednisone pill, I started to feel human again. The Tylenol is a new product, liquid acetominiphan (sp). I only took a half dose at a time, because a full dose did make me dump.
   — Ali M

April 16, 2005
I'm a fan of Chloraspetic while I'm waiting to get into the doc. I don't mess around with 'em. You know if you get white spots (on throat) or a fever, you need to be seen Monday, ASAP, right? Boy, I HATE a sore throat.
   — vitalady

April 25, 2005
I went to the Doctor and got a Rx for liquid amoxicillan (like what they give children) cleared it up quick not to mention how easy it went down.
   — bettyjones

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