Has anyone else been started on Crestor

to lower cholesterol and found that they have extreme diarrhea? I started on it about 3 months ago and have not had a normal bowel movement since. However, I am losing weight (7 pounds in 3 months) after over 2 years post gastric bypass. I'm loving the weight loss, but, just want to know anyone elses experience.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on January 16, 2005)

January 16, 2005
My husband, father in law and mother are all on Crestor, none are WLS patients. None of them have complained of the problem.
   — Fixnmyself

January 16, 2005
My husband was on it for a month, cut his numbers in half. But shortly thereafter, he started hurting very bad. He was having problems getting out of bed. We assumed it was the Flu, and soon found out it was a serious side effect. So please watch and DONT assume anything. Call your Dr for advice.
   — Donna A.

January 17, 2005
I haven't had my surgery as of yet, but I have been on Crestor for about 8 months. and yes it givves you diarrhea. all cholesterol medicine that I have been put on does that. You need to talk to your doctor about taking it because on the tv they had warnings about it. I got scared and asked my doctor to put me on Lipitor. I hope this helps you. Judy Morris
   — Judy 52

January 18, 2005
Please be very careful of Crestor. It is one of the many recent medications recommended for withdrawal from the market because of side effects. Please do a search on it and see for yourself the awful side effects of this. My doctor wanted me on it, but because of past experiences with multiple side effects of meds, I always do a search first. I chose not to take this one! Please be careful! and good luck.
   — MetaP

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