For those who had ps breast lift w/o implants, are you happy w/results?

I am a ways from having this done, but I had a plastic surgeon suggest to me that after massive weight loss a lift without implants may tend to look "boxy". I'm just wondering if people find this to be true.    — Christy L. (posted on August 24, 2004)

August 24, 2004
Hi Christy. I'm 3.5 months post-op BL with no implants. I'm 41 years of age. For the most part, I do like my results. My nipples are still a little high but I've heard that they will continue to drop. Other than that, I like the shape of my breasts a lot and I like the size a lot too. I was a very full DD pre-WLS and a very full 36D pre-plastics. I'm now a 34D (with padding) and 34C (without padding). And totally perky!!! No bra needed if I don't want to wear one. However, I'm so used to a bra, I feel very self-conscious without one. My surgeon really wanted me to get implants too and even after surgery he told me that he could make them "perfect" with implants if I decide to do that. He was really surprised that I didn't want them. So far, the more I move away from my BL, the less I want to have them. Initially, I felt like my breasts were so unbelievably small. I kept saying, "I'm flat chested" and I've never been flat chested a day in my life past 6th grade and I kinda' liked it that way!! But, they have filled out and I've been told by two friends that had BL with no implants that they may continue to fill out. My breasts aren't as full on the top portion as a plastic surgeon would like them to be but they look pretty darn great to me (and to my boyfriend, by the way!) In terms of the "boxy" look, I don't know other than for the first 2 months, the bottom portion of my breasts looked a little "square" or boxy, I guess because of the incision that goes from my nipple to down to the underside of my breast but that has stretched out and my breasts have a nice hang to them now, no more squareness. Let me know if you have more questions.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 24, 2004
When I went for my PS consult for my TT, I also asked about a breast lift. The PS said, that it would be hard to remove all the excess skin on the sides of the breasts and lift them with an aesthetically result, w/o implants. Our post-op skin is so stretched out that we may not necessarly get the same end result as someone who is not a wls post-op. I decided to wait, also being concerned about accurate mammograms as an implant post-op. I have had cysts removed from my breasts before, and until I get more definitive research answers, have decided against it.
   — Fixnmyself

August 24, 2004
I will be 1 year post op on 11/17/04 from a breast reduction/lift and I love my results. The thought of implants never entered my mind. I have perky 36C's now. Was a 44 DDD day of Lap RNY (2//11/03)I was 9 months post op when I had my BR/Lift. The breasts were boxy for the 1st week, but then began to drop and round out. Your breasts are only as good as your PS! Make sure you have the best!!! (((HUGS)))
   — Hazel S.

August 24, 2004
I dont know what'boxy' is suppose to look. But I just had mine done and they look normal to me. I went from a DD to a B
   — star .

August 24, 2004
Hi! I would keep looking into other PS...The first one I saw terrified me, telling me that due to the lack of elasticity in my skin, they'd be boxy and uneven, I'd have horrible scars, he'd have to detach the nipples (a full nipple graft or FNG) and I'd lose all feeling. Well, I went to another PS for a second opinion and he basically laughed at what the other PS said, telling me the other doc probably didn't want to do the surgery because he wasn't skilled enough!! I went with the second PS, and had a reduction/lift done 15 months ago. They were alittle boxy (flat bottomed) for a couple of weeks, but once the swelling settled down, and they began to soften up, they're beautiful. My scars are unnoticable, and I have all feeling (the 2nd PS didn't have to do an FNG). Go to this website: it's a wonderful site, full of information concerning anything breast, and the women are great. I did all my research here. Good luck! Denise 316/158 and 46II/36G/36C
   — lily1968

August 24, 2004
Mine look beautiful. Much better than they did when I was a teenager. Find another PS.
   — mom2jtx3

August 25, 2004
I never had a breast lift. However, I did discuss it with my palstic surgeon. He told me that there is a procedure called "self-augmented Mastoplexy". The surgeon does a breast lift and takes the extra breast tissue and moves it to another location within the breast so you will get a lift and some "filling" in the breast. Kinda like a like an augmentation- but only using your own tissue not implants. It sounded very good to me. I opted not to do this or any other breast procedure due to multiple abnormal mamograms. So- check into it- it sounds great to me. Good luck.
   — Jan S.

August 25, 2004
I consulted with three plastic surgeons. One realy pushed for the implants, while the other two did not. I knew I did NOT want implants. I went from a 44D pre RNy to a 38B at two years post op. I had a breast lift six weeks ago. I am happy with the size and shape. They don't seem smaller, but my boyfirend says they are smaller. However, my bras fit just about the same. They are perky and I love that. However, the scars are still farily prominent, but I believe they will fade over time.
   — juvpd

August 25, 2004
Just wanted to give you another opinion to consider. I second the motion to get anotehr opinion. It's a very good idea. But, I think the decision for implants or not has a lot to do with HOW MUCH breast tissue you actually have vs excess skin. I have a GF who is post WLS and had a BL with no implants. She went from a DD before WLS surgery to a D post WLS surgery to a small B post PS. She is currently not happy with her breast volume and thinking about implants. She just had a massive amount of excess skin and very little breast tissue to work with. So, I think it's all very individual. Please do consider a second and thirs opinion too. Good luck.

August 25, 2004
I went from a 42DDD/E to a 34B. I had a BL w/o implants in April. Tomorrow I am having a revision as I have lost another 10# since surgery and I have lost more breast tissue and my boobs dropped so that the nipples are pointing up and not out.The PS is repairing for free, but cautioned if I lost anymore weight I would have to consider implants as I will have no tissue. He suggested gaining the 10# back would help. I HOPE I* do not lose any more weight as I am now 5ft 6 and weigh 123-126.My bra size is 34B but I am not filling out the top. Once the pups are back up and perky I should fill it out just fine.
   — Connie M.

August 25, 2004
Hi, Jan! That method sounds interesting... I wonder if it's similar to one used to reconstruct the breast after mastectomy? If it's TRAM flap (or something like that) just a warning that those who have had abdominoplasties CANNOT opt for this surgery (the TRAM) because we don't have the extra tissue in the upper abdomen necessary for it. I am *NOT* sure if the procedure you are referring to is the same one I am -- they could be totally different. The procedure I mentioned (TRAM) has to do with breast reconstruction after cancer removal - but could it also be used to 'reconstruct' the breast in PS? Interesting! Now, God forbid any POST OP would face breast cancer and need reconstruction. BUT, there are other methods, not only TRAM. It's just that if someone has had an abdominoplasty, they do not qualify for TRAM. All the best, Teresa
   — Teresa N.

August 26, 2004
VERY happy with my breast lift without implants. See photos on my page. Very taught and perky.
   — Vicki S.

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