New color in JP drain - should I be concerned?

I'm 6 days post-op TT and hernia repair and I've got 2 drains. In the last day or so I've noticed there is a yellowish/clear fluid in the tube, draining into the bulb in one of the drains. Is this normal? Does this mean infection? I haven't noticed any decrease in the amounts yet, still about 2 tsp to 1 Tbsp every 12 hours. Any chance of the doctor removing the drains in 2 days when I go in for an appointment? Does he wait until all draining stops before removal? Thanks for any info.    — jocelyn (posted on August 8, 2004)

August 8, 2004
I cant say about that I am 2 days out from same thing but dr did not put drain tubes in me did not tink I needed them have you had bad back pain with your hernia repair TT that is what Iam having nowmy back never bother me till I had this doen takeCare Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

August 8, 2004
If it was red, then kinda pinky, then turning to yellow and still pretty clear, no odor, then it is probably normal. If there is any odor or cloudy, gunky looking stuff, call the doc ASAP. Can't say for your doc, but my docs remove when the output reaches XX cc's per day or per 12 hours. Each doc is a bit different. They should have given you a target amount, or you can get that tomorrow. Ask about the color, describe as clearly as possibly. Like lemonade? (good) Like lemon yogurt? (bad)
   — vitalady

August 8, 2004
I had my abdominoplasty last Monday, don't get my drains out until Friday! It is normal for the drainage to go from red to pink to yellow - you may even see some orange tinged . Like the others said, as long as it's clear, it's fine.
   — koogy

August 8, 2004
Clear yellow is normal serous fluid. My Doctor left the drains in for 2 weeks, it's up to your surgeon. The drainage will vary from bloody to clear yellow throughout the day,I think it depends on what type of body fluid is draining. For a post-op infection watch your temperature and incision for increased reddness, swelling, drainage or pain. But as always check with your own MD if you have any doubts or question. RNY 11/02 Hernia 5/04 300/140
   — cathy G.

August 9, 2004
   — kultgirl

August 9, 2004
I had the same thing with my drain from my rny surgery, it was still draining quite a bit 25ccper 12 hours but it changed to the same colour you are describing, I was told it was peritoneal fluid and it was the normal fluid your body makes and they took it out at the time they were suppose to. No problems. Louise
   — emmalousmom

August 10, 2004
I just had my 3rd and final JP drain removed today. I am 2 wks post TT and hernia repair. The yellowish color is TOTALLY NORMAL. It should go from a bloody color to that yellowish color. Do not worry, this is precisely what you want. It is serous fluid, that would have no where to go if not for the drains. Keep track of the amt of fluid per your MD's instructions so you can get them out asap. Also contact your surgeon if you are worried about anything. All the best to you.
   — zena X.

August 10, 2004
Another brief comment: anyone have hip swelling? I hope mine is because of fluid vs who knows what! I am down appx 10# since last Fri (fluid) but now my hips seem huge! Any advice?
   — zena X.

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