If you had your arms done and you bowl, how long before you could bowl again.

   — Gail O. (posted on August 8, 2004)

August 9, 2004
Well, now that's a unique set of circumstances! :) I can't answer the part about bowling, but I did have my arms done. It was 5 1/2 weeks before I felt no discomfort or limitations in my range of motion. Of course, your own physiology and surgery might be different, so I'm not sure my experience can translate into any advice for you. Best of luck, by the way, on your PS and your bowling!
   — Biking O.

August 17, 2004
I had my arms done and a breast lift in January. I returned to bowling at 6 weeks post. Bowling puts a lot of stress on your incision lines ..esp those under your arms.
   — dianne E.

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