Are Weight Smart or Carb Assist vitamins good for post ops?

I am wondering if Centrum's Carb Assist or One a Day's Weight Smart vitamins would be absorbed and of any special value to post ops. I already take a chewable multivitamin, chewable calcium citrate, and sublinqual B-12. Has anyone noticed positive results from taking either or both of these? I have the nutrition information on both if anyone wants to see it.    — Ann B. (posted on August 1, 2004)

August 1, 2004
Can't tell you about your vitamins, but my surgeon has me take 3 Flinstones vitamins in the AM and 2 Tums Ultra (for calcium) every PM, can't take both at the same time, he said vitamins will counter act calcium..... Hope this helps you...
   — Donna Y.

August 1, 2004
It seems like most food and drugs now are on the "low carb" ban wagon, trying to sell their product. I think it has more biotin in, you can tell by comparing to others. I find the generic or dollar store vits are comparable. Remember you pay for the advertising. I personally take 2 chewable with iron, 3 chewable calcium total (1500gm) 1 sublinqual b12 and 2 extra iron in form of Vitron C. 1 B complex, 1 B6 1 biotin
   — ZZ S.

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