
NOT A QUESTION>>>JUST FYI! There was a national level news story yesterday. It stated that it is a little known perk of the military...that military personnel can get free surgery...even plastics. This is to keep military surgeons skills honed. I know we are not eligible for the service post-op...but, any of you who are already military....This my be for you.    — hooterzgirl75 (posted on July 21, 2004)

July 22, 2004
I appreciate what you are trying to do, I know that you are trying to help out a AMOS brother or sister. But, it is the news that seem like they always screw things up on how they report there stories. Ask any military person, retired or active and they will tell you the same thing, it is not free. Our country is a FREE country because of our military, and they get paid so little. We have military personel that have families on food stamps, and everytime a spouse walks out that door, it could be the last time. Our military men and women are in Iraq and other counties putting there lives on the line, and being away from there families, while we set here in the US and watch stories like the free plastic surgeries, it drives me nuts, so some military get plastic surgery done, it is by NO MEANS free, but that was not told in the news. Again, I am sorry that this is a button that gets me nuts, I know you were only trying to help.
   — cindy

July 22, 2004
Hey hon, My husband's navy, and I just wanted to add my two cents here. Active duty military do get free medical care, and this is one possible treatment. Any military member who is overweight goes through what they usually call the "fatboy program" meaning, unfortunately, that he is ordered to do extra exercise, and might even eventually get kicked out of the military due only to his weight, no matter how competent he is! I've always thought that a bunch of hooey. Particularly with men so dedicated, and with all the training they put into them, etc., and it's so hard to find qualified people these days. It's a shame. Fortunately a few years back they started offering this surgery where the resources were available, and they've found it's helping them keep in some of their personnel. I think it's a blessing for anybody who wants this surgery to have it available for them, but I MUST admit I still have a twinge of anger that somebody overweight might have to face the decision to go under the knife or lose their livelihood and chosen dedication. For those people, I just don't think this is the way this surgery should come about. But I gotta say, the decision's still in the hands of the patient, at least!! Anyway, I just wanted military people to know that it is an option, but sometimes you have to fight with the system for it, and wrestle with the fatboy program a long time before getting approved. Even then, it might not be available in your area, but if you let them know you're willing to travel, they might get you done at a major military treatment facility somewhere in your region. The travel/leave time and expense is more than worth the benefits of this surgery, especially free! And it's not just for servicemembers. WHile I wouldn't advise marrying a military guy just to get surgery, :) I gotta say that personally, I'm a military spouse, and we also enjoy free medical benefits (or reduced fee insurance, if we choose to go to nonmilitary doctors. This was a godsend to me, and the main reason why my husband reenlisted last time, to get this surgery covered and save my life:) I was supposed to have mine done free in the military hospital, but when they lost their specialist surgeons there, I was actually approved to go to a fantastic civilian surgeon and ended up paying I think less than $300 bucks out of pocket. And that only for food while in hospital (LOL!) a computerized psych test, and a nutrition class that weren't covered. Christie, -200
   — christied

July 22, 2004
Cindy, lighten up sweetie...the poster is simply trying to pass along info for those who are in the military or married to a military member or a military dependent. I was in the military way back when and this was offered at that time too, to include lipo (which I don't know if its included anymore...). I had an active duty friend of mine who had lipo on her thighs... Most military members are in decent shape so the primary users of this are the spouses/dependents. The board certified plastic surgeons at military hospitals have to keep their skills honed, but I know that they only did plastics as electives when they had time, and not all military hospitals have plastic surgeons. Worth looking into though.
   — Cindy R.

July 23, 2004
Hi Cindy #1 - I have to agree with Cindy #2. I don't think the original poster meant anything negative but was just offering some info that I think is WONDERFUL! I'm happy for my tax dollars to be spent on those who protect our freedoms and their families too. I think she has done a service by providing this info to members of the military and their families who might be on this website. I hope I didn't offend anyone. Best wishes!
   — ronascott

July 23, 2004
i know a guy in the miliary in canada who got a sex change done for free
   — Lyn S.

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