Does anyone know of foods that have a natural laxative effect ?

Looking for some foods that cause a natural laxative effect to add to my diet, to combat the side effects of all the protien and iron that we have to supplement. Any suggestions to help relieve constipation?    — Michelle B. (posted on July 14, 2004)

July 13, 2004
I've seen flax seeds recommended on this site. Also Benefiber. Raisins or prunes help but they are high in sugar. I've also seen Canola Oil recommended; drinking about 20oz of cold water very quickly first thing in the morning; coffee; any veggie with lots of fiber, should be able to do a google search for high fiber foods; For me, none of the above worked so I take milk of magnesia about every other day.
   — scbabe

July 13, 2004
Sugar free jelly beans! I know it sounds crazy, but it really works. I was taking (with the doc's ok) 4 Tab. of MOM a day with stool softners, and still had a hard time going, until I read about the jelly beans...and the jelly beans work much better! I eat about 10-15 a day. Sugar free choc. never had an affect on me, so I don't know why the sf jelly beans do. Any brand will do, but I usually buy the Russell Stover brand, it's the easiest to find.
   — j D.

July 13, 2004
If you eat a plum and drink water with it it will clean you right out. I learned this by accident several years ago while on vacation.
   — Yolanda J.

July 13, 2004
   — ANDREWS65

July 13, 2004
Anything with sugar alcohols in it and - look out below! Seriously, 5 sugar-free Baskin and Robbins hard candies will do the job. I did that once - never again!
   — koogy

July 14, 2004
I take sugar free Fiber Choice tablet--2 to 3 tablets twice a day. They really make a difference. Try a tablespoon or two of wheat germ and/or V-8 juice. These all seem to help some people.
   — Margaret S.

July 14, 2004
Anything with sugar alcohols in them definitely have an effect. They also cause horrible smelling gas but do loosen the stool some too.
   — zoedogcbr

July 14, 2004
You should try apple juice or apple sauce...It really works for me. Hope this helps!!!
   — Angel E.

July 14, 2004
Added Oli fixed it for me:) Personally once at goal I eat Atkins brownies! They arent low calorie but not only taste great but keep things moving. We ran out recently and things slowed down:( I buy the bagged mix at wallmart, you would never know they arent pillsbury:) In fact I taste tested both pillsbury and Atkins on my friends, they couldnt tell them apart:)
   — bob-haller

July 14, 2004
Any kind of corn product, like popcorn and coffee. Cleans you right out! Prune juice should do the same (moms advice) but popcorn is my fav way
   — Cindy R.

July 14, 2004
Although not a specific food, Vit C (in foods or supplements) are a natural laxative not to mention other benefits
   — jenn a

July 14, 2004
WATERMELON worked for me. I found this out accidentally. I went on kind of a watermelon kick (I don't know it just tasted good to me & it didn't fill me up in 2 minutes like most foods do. Plus, it's in season (at least here in PA). I eat it at night & by morning I have results!
   — klinzey

July 14, 2004
Any high fiber food should do it....turnip greens, spinach, kale, that type food will do it for me. Pinto beans (other beans, also), prunes, all have a natural laxative effect. The alcohol sugars also act as a laxative, but, in addition to the horrible gas, they give me terrible cramps. Steer clear of foods that constipate, such as bananas and peanut butter. Also be sure to get plenty of fluids. Good luck!
   — Linda S.

July 14, 2004
OIL! Fixing my earlier typo:( I once ate some really greasy onion rings and found that out fast. After much trouble I added some canola oil to my diet. I guess it lubricates things:)
   — bob-haller

July 14, 2004
Spinach works on me every time!
   — MissKimberly

July 14, 2004
If you like hot cereal, I highly recommend some of the Low Carb Success hot cereals with flax in them... just be sure to add a little bit of Splenda, as they are a bit bland. Or get some whole flax seed and grind it in a coffee bean grinder, and sprinkle it on your oatmeal or into a protein shake. Flax seed loses its potetency if it sits too long after being ground up, so grind it as you need it. Hope this helps!<br><br> Also, I ditto the SF candy stuff- anything that is made by Russell Stover makes my bowels intolerable.
   — kultgirl

July 18, 2004
Garlic capsules take one every day.
   — Jonesin

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