I have heard that after a TT its harder to regain?

Is it true that after a tummy tuck you are more assured not to re-gain the weight because your tummy is to tight that it literally hurts to over eat? I know that may sound silly, but I am wondering from all you "post abdominoplasty" members -- have you found the tummy tuck to be helpful in your weight maintenance? I'm scheduled for next Thursday! thank you all    — Mary W. (posted on April 16, 2004)

April 16, 2004
Here is my take. I am now more aware of a weight gain since I have had my TT (1/7/04). I gained 5 pounds and I feel it. I feel bloated and yucky. I got 2 of those 5 off but I am aware of the 3, my clothes feel funny. But when you weigh less those 5 pounds make a difference.
   — nicole79

April 16, 2004
That would be only if you over eat to gain weight. My problem is grazing on bad foods, which go in easy. When I do gain some weight I gain in my butt and thighs, not in the TT area at all.
   — ZZ S.

April 16, 2004
The only thing a TT does it tighten the skin and sometimes the muscles. Your stomach is much farther up than where surgery takes place. The only thing that you may notice if you gain weight is that if your surgeon did a little bit of lip to contour you, you will not regain weight in that area. The fat cells have been remarkably reduced. You will gain in other areas where you may not have had problems before. I regained and have more weight right at the waist line, below my breasts - that I never had before.
   — Bunnygal

April 16, 2004
Not true, and to make it worse, if you do gain a few pounds, you gain ABOVE your incision line because they remove all those fat cells from your tummy. This is quite an incentive to get it back off, so mayme it does help with maintenance after all! It looks really odd.
   — mom2jtx3

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