Does anyone know of any vitamins we can use after surgery without chromium?

I am having Lap RNY on 3/16/04 and have been searching high and low for my vitamins. The only multi-vitamin that I found without chromium was at Wal-mart and I fear that it will be too large to swallow. I have checked all over the internet for a multi-vitamins formula especially for gastric bypass patients with no luck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!    — raydm73 (posted on February 17, 2004)

February 17, 2004
My doc told me to crush all medications. We don't absorb the medications if we don't crush them.
   — greg17

February 17, 2004
Check with your doctor or pharmacist before crushing, dissolving, or breaking any pills, or before opening capsules. Some medications have coatings or are not meant to be tampered with, as that can cause a "bolus" of medication to enter your system, or destroy coatings that are meant to protect the intestinal or stomach lining. For the poster - I'm curious - why no chromium?
   — koogy

February 17, 2004
Question for you - why no chromium? If the multi at Walmart is too big how about cutting it with a pill cutter into several pieces? Have you checked the childrens chewables or the Centrum chewable, do they have chromium in them?
   — ChristineB

February 17, 2004
Don't know why you have the no chromium requirements (allergic?) But there are a couple of different brands made specially for gastric bypass patients: Vista Vitamins and Bariatric Advantage are two right off the top of my head. You can do a search for those and they should list what's in them. I don't use them so I don't know.
   — Ali M

February 18, 2004
Hi! My surgeon prescribes a pre-natal chewable vitamin, it is called Nutri-Nate. I am 2-1/2 years post-op and my blood work that she requires every 6 months has always come back fine. It costs about $35.00 for a 3 month supply, from Costco. Again, it does require a prescription but it is chewable so absorbtion isn't an issue. Good luck to you, I hope you find all the joy in life that I have since this surgery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers on the 16th!
   — ALF

February 18, 2004
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I can't have chromium because I am allergic to it. As my allergist says, I have a very allergic personality. Thanks for the advice. I'll keep looking.
   — raydm73

February 20, 2004
Try Flintstone chewables for children.
   — Barbara S.

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