Question about vitamins and also pouch stretching

I am one week from surgery, on November 11. I was wondering what you all think of the Vista Vitamins. Are they better than the others? What other supplements will I need if I choose to take those? Also, I was wondering just how much our pouches will stretch. I have heard that it is difficult to get it to stretch, but it seems to be a recurrent issue here so I was wanting to know. Thanks.    — Shannon B. (posted on November 4, 2003)

November 4, 2003
My doctor and nutritionist both recommend Vista Vitamins. I take the capsules. Check the supplements on the vitamins and you will see how much higher the daily percentage is than other vitamins. The only other thing I take is 800 mg of chewable calcium citrate. Also, I had &#8216;Micropouch&#8217; gastric bypass and the pouch does not stretch. <p> <p>
   — Jazzy

November 4, 2003
In addition to the VV, you'll need to take iron (not ferrous sulfate) plus vit C. 2000mg calcium citrate + mag + D, dry form A, D, E and some chelated zinc. The B12 will be by shot or sublingual and then, of course, your protein supplement. Pesonally, I use a regular multi vite & then customize around it to fit my surgery.
   — vitalady

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