Can we take Robitussin cough syrup?

Does anyone know if it is ok to take Robitussin cough syrup or the equivalant? I'm not sick and rarely get colds, but I was just wondering how well it works for us and if it would cause dumping...Eight months post-op and haven't dumped yet. I don't know what my sugar threshold is. Thanks in advance.    — Nicole L. (posted on November 1, 2003)

October 31, 2003
Haven't had any problems with it at all!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 31, 2003
Hi..I'm alittle over 2 years post op, and I haven't had a problem with cough syrups. I tried regular robitussin once, and then have used the diabetic version after that just in case. It works just as well, and doesn't taste bad at all....I too use the generic or off brands of the sugar-free syrups..You can usually find them close to the children's syrups, dye free, sugar free....good luck - stay well! Denise 316/158
   — lily1968

November 1, 2003
Everyone is different..just be careful of the sugar/alcohol ocntent of cold/cough medicines. I am sure there are sugar free ones if you dump
   — ~~Stacie~~

November 1, 2003
Robitussin has a sugarfree version of it's cough syrup that we get for my husband who is a diabetic. If you're the type that dumps, maybe that would work for you.
   — Cathy S.

November 2, 2003
I did'nt know they had a sugar free, but I've never had any problems taking it post op.
   — Danmark

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