When can we sleep on our tummy

after surgery? I had the lap about 10 days ago and I want to sleep on my tummy!!! If I can should I? Or do we have to wait how many days before attempting this? Please help.    — Evett B. (posted on November 1, 2003)

October 31, 2003
Well, there will be as many answers to that question as there are people. That is a real individual thing. You will just have to keep trying it and see if you are comfortable doing it. Good Luck.
   — ChristineB

October 31, 2003
Let me tell you, I am a stomach sleeper.. It was impossible to sleep on my stomach post op... UNTIL THEY TOOK THAT DANG DRAIN OUT!! I had it removed 6 days post-op and have been sleeping on my stomach ever since... No problems here!!! Chris
   — chris S.

November 1, 2003
I had Lap RNY. It took me at least 4 weeks to be able to sleep on my stomach. I am a MAJOR stomach sleeper and can never hit REM sleep on my back. I was miserable at the sleepless nights and I had my doctor prescribe Ambien and that helped tremendously.
   — danabky

November 1, 2003
I am only five days post-op and have always had a problem sleeping in any position other than on my stomach. At the hospital, to try to get comfortable I asked for extra pillows to try to prop myself on my side to get some sleep. During the night, the nurse came in to take my vitals and I woke up to find myself sleeping on my stomach with no pain, I had instinctively rolled that way. At home I pack pillows around me, including a body pillow and mainly find myself sleeping half on my side and half on my stomach with no problems. It really does seem to be an individual thing.
   — AuntieT

November 1, 2003
To anyone who has answered this post thanks a million!!! It helps to know that I'm not alone. I do try but seem to feel pressure or pain so I will try sleeping half on my pillow half on my tummy. Oh this will feel good!!! Hugs to all and God bless.
   — Evett B.

November 2, 2003
This is just a suggestion... I was shopping over the weekend and saw an air mattress with an indentation in it specifically made for a pregnant woman's belly. I wonder if this would work for someone post op that is having trouble with the pressure of laying directly on their stomach but can't sleep on their back.
   — Christine S.

November 2, 2003
I slept on my back(which is extremely uncomfortable for me) for 5 days then slept on my side with a pillow under my tummy for a month before I was finally comfortable sleeping on my tummy.
   — tazfan

November 3, 2003
I am able to sleep somewhat comfortably on my stomach, almost 5 weeks post-op open RNY/GB removal. I still have to change positions often, though. Good luck.
   — carpediem

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