Low Cost Plastic Surgery Option

I saw this post on the message board and asked the member if she would mind me posting it here to get the word out about low cost plastic surgery at teaching hospitals. She approved me re-posting this here. Here is her post: "08/17 03:08 PM Hello everyone, I hope that your weekends went well. I juat wanted to add a tip that I found out yesterday about plastic surgery. I know that a lot of you have been turned down, or that your insurance does not cover it. A co-worker of a friend of mine just had a tummy tuck, thigh lifts, lipo suction on the love handles and butt, looks wonderful with a hour glass shape now, all for a total of $4,200, how did she do that so cheaply, especially here in Manhattan? Well she went to a Medically teaching Plastic Surgeons school, where they are only too willing for patients to perform on, for a fraction of the cost. She was told that her procedure in the "real world" would have cost over $25,000. So if you think that this is for you, look into your local medical Plastic Surgery Medical schools or the Association of Plastic Surgeons site. Pass this on guys, its worth looking into. Allison in NYCity -- Allison Osborne" For those of you living in NYC, it looks like your work is done for you in terms of researching a place for plastics. If anyone else does research and finds options similar to this, can we please post and share the information so that those of us without good insurance or without insurance at all can benefit. Thank you to all of you for the love and kindness we share for one another. You have helped me tremendously!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on August 20, 2003)

August 20, 2003
Thanks for sharing. I'm just starting to investigate plastics and will check out our state's major teaching hospital to see if they have a program.
   — zoedogcbr

August 20, 2003
Anyone else have a feeling of hesitation thinking of letting someone inexperienced doing such dramatic things to the body? Ya, I know they're supervised but after you're cut, you're cut.
   — Shelly S.

August 20, 2003
My wife once went to one of those student hair salons, cause it was cheaper, and say the least she never went back, and thats just hair, something this extreme needs professionals(plastic surgery) you can't bondo your mistake, you know what I mean, Vern? Good luck to those who do it this way, my prayers are with you...john
   — blank first name B.

August 20, 2003
this would scare me! I know that they have to learn somehow, but I think that them learning on a more normal case (rather than people with extreme panni's and such) would be easier on them and the patient. My city's own professional plastic surgeons won't touch gastric bypass patients because of the extreme amount of skin needing removal and refer us to doctors with more experience with this type of removal. That said, if I were really experiencing problems and could find no other way to have the stuff removed, I might consider going to a school for removal. Scarring wouldn't be as big of a worry if I'm having major heath issues from the skin deformity. JMHO.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 20, 2003
This is not like the hair sslons people. These are well trained doctors supervised by experienced surgeons. Not a first year or anything like that. They are perfectly safe and if I get approved I would love to go to one.
   — snicklefritz

August 20, 2003
I have to agree with Jack on this one. These are 4th and 5th year surgical residents, they are not fresh out of medical school. They are totally supervised by their attendings and have experienced anethesiologists, OR nurses, surgical techs, etc in the room with them. If I could find a place like this I would at least look into it. As it is now, I'm looking into going to Brazil; while not quite the deal that the OP's friend got, it is a lot less expensive than the states, even with travel costs.
   — Ali M

August 21, 2003
I can't find any info on this on the internet! I have searched under Association of Plastic Surgeons and Plastic Surgery Medical Schools. Anyone else find anything? I'm in the Texas panhandle. Thanks!
   — raye

August 21, 2003
To see if there is a program like this near you, start by contacting local universities that have medical schools. Once you find a person there (or check out the university's web site) you can find out if they have a plastic surgery program or clinic. That may be a way to find something nearby. If you know a nearby hospital that is affliated with a medical school, you could start by calling the hospital and asking if they have a plastic surgery clinic. Now, this is just me trying to think this through. I am not ready for PS yet, but I do know the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine is affiliated with The University Hospital (and others) here in Cincinnati, and they do have a Plastic Surgery clinic.
   — koogy

August 21, 2003
For folks in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, try UT Southwestern Medical Center. I receive my primary care through their Family Practice residency program, and have had no problems so far. They also have a plastic surgery residency program. I don't have a contact number, but the web site for their PS residency program is I've heard good things about Rod Rohric, the chair of that program. Best of luck to all!
   — Jenn D.

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