Ret. to work tomorrow what do I tell people when they ask what surgery I had?

I don't want people to know, I feel it is private and have told the people I want to know. Also on pureed foods good examples of stuff to bring to work? Thanks : )    — Amy H. (posted on July 27, 2003)

July 27, 2003
Tell them you had "female" surgery, and that you are doing just great. That usually leaves them wondering, but shuts them up. LOL
   — Carolyn H.

July 27, 2003
Yes,female surgery is a good answer! I too did not want to tell people. There are very few people that know. I am a teacher and I only have to eat lunch in front of my aide,so I told her. She was going to see me eat baby food...
   — Dixie Chick

July 27, 2003
I work in a hospital and everyone there knows I am having this surgery. But we decided not to tell our FAMILY. We explained the hospital stay by telling them that I have been having alot of problems with acid reflux and ulcers and the doc is going to "reroute" some things to help with the discomfort. We felt better sticking as close to tthe truth as possible. The great thing is that I am having alot of reflux right now due to the fact that my monthly is due any day LAP RNY 08-05-03
   — AmyLynn B.

July 27, 2003
Don't lie, simply tell them you had a stomach problem and had it sorted out. This way if they do find out or you do decide to tell at a later date, they won't be on your case for telling a lie. You just didn't go into detail about your stomach problem.
   — myra J.

July 27, 2003
Hi Amy, I am just waiting for my initial consultation, in Uk, but like you I don't really want people to know what I have done, so I thought I would tell them I had a hernia repaired, or gyne problems :). Don'r know if that will help you, I am not very good at telling fibs, but i hope I can carry this one off. Good Luck :o)
   — Tracey M.

July 27, 2003
Hi there. I told everyone the honest truth. I felt as if it was such a major step in my life that I wanted to share it with anyone who would listen to me. Because it had been explained that I could large large amounts of weight in a small amount of time, rather than have to explain why, I just said I had Gastric Bypass Surgery and made a decision to change my life for the better forever. I found that most everyone I talked to respected my decision and if they didn't that was there business. This IS the best decision I ever made to date regarding my life and health both physically and emotionally. I am proud that I had this surgery because I am now nearing 6 months post op and have lost 103 lb. I wish you the best of luck. God Bless.
   — Kitty Kat

July 27, 2003
If you feel it's private then say nothing, or tell a semi-lie and say you had abdominal surgery.
   — Starrlina

July 27, 2003
I told the truth. #1: I'm very proud of myself and making this decision; #2: I almost feel as if I'm now an ambassador for WLS, and and want anyone and everyone to feel comfortable asking me anything they want. One of my co-workers has already made an appointment with my surgeon.
   — lorien

July 27, 2003
As far as pureed foods go, I would bring very easy foods like cottage cheese, yogurt, soups, applesauce, mashed potatoes with ground meat put in it. As far as telling people about the surgery, be blunt and tell them you would rather not discuss it. People should respect your choice for privacy and not continue with uncomfortable questions about exactly how the surgery went and what happened. I chose to tell people at work that I was having surgery, but other than that when they asked what for I just said, it's private. They repected my answer and still were concerned for my well being. Everyone knows now - I can't keep a secret.
   — Heather M.

July 27, 2003
I'm a very open person. "I am what I am". I don't hid who I am, ether good or bad, nor am I ashamed of anything. I never can understand people who hid wls. Heck there was one person who asked another person if I was dying of cancer as I lost weight so fast. lol If you want attention and have people think you are dying or sick, go ahead and keep the secret. ;)
   — Danmark

July 27, 2003
I, too, told the people I wanted to know and that was it. I'm 4 1/2 months post-op now and do discuss the surgery with other people but in the beginning I did not. If anyone asks all you have to say is, "It's personal, and I'm fine.Thank you for asking." As far as your pureed food, I made chicken soup and put it in the blender. Someone at work looked at it and asked, "What's THAT??" I said, "It's SOUP!" You don't have to be on the defensive. Just do or say whatever makes YOU feel comfortable. Don't worry what other people think. Good luck to you! I'm down 65 lbs. and feel like I have a new life.
   — Phyllis H.

July 27, 2003
I work in an environment where telling people what surgery I had was not a good idea. It was a personal thing with me as well. People who asked were told that I had surgery for acid reflux disease (GERD). Many of my co-workers knew I had an acid problem because we eat together at work. Afterward, when I would bring my high protein soft foods to work, everyone thought I was on a new diet. No one asks anymore, but everyone likes my new smaller portion diet. Best wishes -
   — M B.

July 28, 2003
If you don't want people to know then don't tell them. If they ask, answer with another "why do you ask?" Depending on their answer, that can tell you a lot about whether you want to explain further or not. For example, if their answer is "just curious", then I would say "It's private." and leave it at that. I am not ashamed of my decision to have this surgery, but I have never been one to share my life with the world. I only told a few people at work before surgery, unfortunately, all of them could not keep their mouths shut. It taught me a lesson about who I could trust. I hope you have better luck.
   — Carole V.

July 28, 2003
If you don't want people to know, tell them it's private, but don't lie--you'll have to remember who you lied to. When I went back to work, I told everyone. I am what I am and I'm now an ambassador for WLS and do get lost of questions from people. I never force information on anyone, but will respond to a question. Besides, if you lie, you'll have to lie again when you start losing lots of noticeable weight.
   — Cathy S.

July 28, 2003
Hi, I didn't tell anyone but the two people who asked me point blank after I returned and I indicated to them both that I would rather that this information not be shared with others. I believe that they both respected my wishes as I haven't heard any rumors. I chose not to tell not out of shame but because this is my business and my business only. But I generally don't like to share personal information about myself with the general work populace. I also didn't want to be the poster child for weight loss and have to deal with whether or not someone else felt I made the right choice. Pleople need to decide on their own and feel comfortable with the decision they have made. I'm very comfortable with my decision. I know there are questions and I know people are curious but generally when the subject of my eating less or my losing weight comes up, I thank them for the praise (if any was given) and change the subject. Works for me.
   — Marie S.

July 28, 2003
What I said about my surgery: "I had to have a longstanding stomach problem corrected." What I said about losing weight: "I needed to change my eating habits and the recovery from my stomach surgery gave me that opportunity."
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 28, 2003
Tell them nothing or tell them the truth...Dont be ashamed of this surgery. They all know that you have a weight problem...your getting it corrected...what is the shame in that? I went to my high school reunion and won the award for most kids...all of the women were coming up and asking how I stayed so slim (ha ha ha) I was amazingly flattered. But as a tribute to myself, honesty, and this amazing proceedure that has "cured" my obesity, I told the truth. I said"oh! Thank You so much for the compliment, But I had gastric bypass Febuary I weighed 250lbs." I went to pick up my kids at my moms and I told her....she said "are you dont live around here...nobody knew and you told them the could have said anything." I feel I owe so much gratitude to my second chance for a full life.....I will never hide the truth from anyone.
   — hooterzgirl75

July 28, 2003
I told the truth. As a result, two people that I work with have been bold enough to have the surgery as well and it has greatly improved their lives just like it did mine. Of course I had people come up to me and tell me "you did it the easy way" to which I responded - "No - I just did it the best way." Good luck in your journey.
   — Etta M.

July 28, 2003
I too am returning to work the day after tomorrow. I was very reluctant to tell anyone....but so glad I decided to tell my family and friends. I did tell my last employer and co workers....Lost that job 4 days before surgery....starting back at my old job in 2 days and the co workers I stayed in touch with know and I am so glad they do....I have received the greatest support and numerous prayers from EVERYONE! I could never keep up with who I told what to....I plan on soups, cottage cheese, Ultra Pure Protein Shakes for work. I have to be there 10 hours...12 if you include my commute! I have discovered flat diet 7up helps if I get sick on anything or have an upset tummy....having to deal with that at work would be terrible.
   — nani68

July 28, 2003
You had abdominal surgery! Or that it's personal and you don't care to discuss it. Personally I didn't care who knew and I assumed it was all over the university. However, because of that very few people have asked and are just supportive in a quiet way.
   — zoedogcbr

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