At five days post-op, can't I start my chewable vitamin? Thanks!!!

   — Postop_nurse (posted on July 12, 2003)

July 11, 2003
Barb, I started my chewable vitamin the day after surgery. Just make sure to chew it down to nothing. Might want to call your doc to make sure, but I have had no problems with mine. Cheryl, Lap RNY 6-2-03, -52 lbs
   — Cheryl M.

July 11, 2003
Usually your doctor has a timetable on when to start your vits. and such. So, I would check with him.
   — Delores S.

July 12, 2003
I started my chewable vitamins the day I got home. I actualy sucked on it and let it desolve in my mouth insead of chewing it up. For some strange reason, it helped with head hunger. Best of luck!
   — mellyhudel

July 12, 2003
I was given my first chewable Flintstones in the hospital the day after surgery.
   — LLinderman

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