Real Meals users....

I am wondering if there are any Real Meals users out there that have NOT had to have TTs. I am currently Preop (Scheduled for July 1) and had planned on using Real Meals for the elasticity advantage along with the other benefits. After attending class with my dietician, I find that my surgeon has 4 other options for me to use (preforably Carnation with nonfat dry milk). When I asked about using Real Meals she said no....but we can talk about it after 6 weeks. I want to do everything my surgeon would like me to do but I also want to advance as well as I possibly can. Anyone have some input??    — Kathy K. (posted on June 13, 2003)

June 13, 2003
HI Kathy - LINDA ALMONTE is a believer in Real Meals (she now sells them) and she has not had any plastic surgery. Check out her profile. Her story is an inspiration to me. She also has great links about nutrition.
   — toolio

June 13, 2003
   — ~~Stacie~~

June 13, 2003
I have used Real Meals since one week posdt op and that was with the blessing of my nutritionist. I wonder why they say no? Instant breakfast is one of the lamest protein sources around. As far as elasticity goes I had no doubts that I would need plenty of plastics post op and started the Real Meals hoping for the best. I cannot be sure of anything but, other than my stomach (which is in need of a tuck but still better than I ever thought it would be.), the rest of me seems to be snapping into much better shape than expected. You should always do what is reccomended by your doctor after surgery but I would love to know their reasoning. Lastly while I think that the consistent high quality protein intake has helped immensly there is just so far that you can stretch your skin and expect it to spring back. Good Luck!
   — Carol S.

June 14, 2003

   — Linda A.

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