Diet Sodas

I was just wondering how many are able to drink diet sodas and not be flat if they want them my dieatiction says cant have them yet maybe later my new pouch is still to new to try them but i have been craving a diet sprite so bad i have had a few sips of my bf reg soda when he has one and it did not bother me and it helped my craving for the day doing this    — wildbrat (posted on May 21, 2003)

May 21, 2003
I had my surgery on april 24 and I am doing great no problems and no dumping. I too have a few sips of my husbands diet pepsi, its usually pretty well flat and watery, my dietitican says a little is ok.
   — wizz46

May 21, 2003
I am 2 months out and I cannot tolerate carbonation at all.Even soda left out for hours to go flat cause me ALOT of pain!!! I will never try one again.
   — Dixie Chick

May 21, 2003
Hi, I had my surgery about 4 mths.ago and I started to drink diet caffeine free soda's about a month and a half ago and since then i can't seem to stop. It hasn't been a problem for me either and I usually don't wait until they are completely flat. I was told to wait until I was at least two mths. out, but I heard form other people that they had diet pop sooner then that and has had no problems. So, I would say that it is really up to you. Good Luck!!!
   — Melodee S.

May 21, 2003
Disclaimer first: My surgeon said no carbonation for at least 6 months, if ever. Now, I started drinking Pepsi One at about 3 months out. I was too afraid to drink it until then. I started just drinking a little in glass and let it fizz out. But now I drink probably two cans a day. I don't let it go flat...just drink it. I'm 10 months out. It doesn't cause me any problems, but I certainly DO NOT gulp it like I used to. That will cause me pain and, who knows, maybe some problems. Sugared soda will make almost anybody dump I would imagine. I risk being trashed by somepeople because there are those that say soda is off limits forever. I think it's for fear of pouch expansion and also because of caffine that is thought to dehydrate. My opinion is that a person would have to gulp down a big mouthfull of soda and let it totally fill your pouch, before it would cause expansion...further a person would have to do this repeatedly for a long period of time. So the decision that I made was to drink slowly and don't go overboard and I can enjoy my favortie beverage of all time...Pepsi One.
   — Scott L.

May 21, 2003
I am 6 weeks post op from a LAP RNY and I've lost 40lbs so far. My surgeon told me to drink diet 7-up/sprite/pepsi or what ever I wanted as I am nauseous quite often. I don't take big gulps of it or anything, just little sips and I haven't had any problems what-so-ever. Every surgeon says something different, so I suggest discussing this with them. Good Luck!
   — J. Wilkinson

May 21, 2003
I started drinking diet pop about 2 weeks post-op and still do. I do limit myself now because that is all I will drink if I don't control myself. If I must have a pop I drink one 20oz and it lasts me a day or two. I actually love that crystal light kiwi/strawberry, so im trying to give up pop all together. Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

May 21, 2003
I'm still a diet pepsi addict...stopped drinking it until about 4 months post-op. Didn't like it for a long time. Tasted nasty! Then I got a craving for it, took a swallow and tadaaa - hooked :>) My doc says diet sodas are fine. Every doc has a different opinion on everything that should or should not go in our pouch. My opinion? If you trusted the person to do the surgery, trust their after-care program.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 22, 2003
I am 7 months post op, and was told to not have any carbonated beverages. I have tried a sip or two of diet soda, and I am glad to report that I do not like the taste anymore (And I was addicted before surgery)
   — GPoynor

May 22, 2003
I have no problems with diet soda. I started out by letting it go flat but now just drink it - probably a can a day. I try to do caffeine-free but occasionally have something else.
   — Kate G.

May 22, 2003
I have not had diet soda, nor do I intend to have any. For ME, diet sodas have historically been a trigger food, with quick jumps to an abundance of regular soda and alcoholic beverages. I know I cannot make that jump, so it would be very frustrating or defeating for me. I say this not necessarily to discourage anyone from drinking Diet Soda, but we must look at our own situation also, not just what other people are able to do.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 22, 2003
All doctors are different. My doctor says no carbination for the rest of your life. He says it can stretch out your pouch and cause you to eat more and then of course maybe gain some weight back. There is a new water that is our that has fruit flavor in it that is very good.
   — Belinda M.

May 22, 2003
Beth, a couple sips here and there is ok. And there are many post-ops who still drink soda, whether diet or not. I was told carbonation can expand the pouch. Could be a bunch of bunk, but I'd rather believe it true and not take the chance, right? Even the diet soda, although no sugar, gets in the way of absorption of calcium. I personally cannot tolerate it, and I'd rather drink water. But it's your choice ultimately. Goodluck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 22, 2003
It's best to stay away from all sodas. It's not even the carbonation that's the big's the fact that many sodas have phosphoric acid (that gives that "tangy" taste to the cola-type sodas), which binds to molecules of calcium and washes them out of our bodies. We have enough problems with calcium not to add to them by drinking sodas. They've even done some studies of why even teenage girls were getting osteoporosis...and found it was because of all the sodas kids drink. Schools are even taking the soda machines out to try to help prevent both osteoporosis and weight problems in teens. Also, another culprit is caffeine...not good for us. And many sodas contain caffeine. Sodas, diet or not, are generally non-nutritional beverages and loaded with chemicals, and not the best choices for us. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 23, 2003
Obviously there are a lot of different opinions on this issue but my surgeon said, "Absolutely NO carbonation"...He said, "Two things will cause the pouch to stretch...1)Carbonation and 2)Eating too much".
   — Bridget J.

May 23, 2003
I have a comment on carbonation and stretching the pouch. I can't understand how it could possibly stretch the pouch. You take a swallow and because it is liquid, it imediately starts draining out of the pouch, so the pouch is never totally full of liquid for an extended period of time. So even if it expands from the bubbles, the pouch could only stretch if it were filled to full capacity and didn't drain out, then the bubbles could possibly stretch it. Does that make sense? Anyway that's my thoughts on carbonation, but I could be wrong, so listen to your Dr. Good Luck, Kelly*
   — Kelly* P.

May 23, 2003
I'm 4 weeks post op, and according to my doc, I can have up to 4 oz's flat diet soda a day providing it is s/f caffine free and flat as water. The only time I have any type of soda is if I'm nauseated (which has been a lot lately), and then I don't let it go flat, and only have 2-3 very small sips. The bubbles seem to settle down my tummy. Other than that, I stay away from it, as the chemicals in soda can do more damage in the long run. 4 weeks out, down 26#
   — mellyhudel

May 23, 2003
I never asked this question of my dietician, but in truth... surgery or no.. diet sodas are kind of a waste I think... you get more from drinking water... but I did want to add this on the stretching or not issue... <br>I had certain test prior to surgery, including I would assume an upper GI series.. and to do that.. they gave me a drink that was ALL carbonation.. and told me not to burp.. to DISTEND (expand make bigger) my stomach so it could be seen. I don't know if it would last as long as if you ate too much but carbonation will stretch it some. It has to.
   — Lisa C.

May 23, 2003
I have been suffering from gas for several weeks.. I have tries everything and my doc was stumped out of deperation I drank a small portion of diet caff. free cola...the relieve was a blessing. It helped to loosen up the gas and made me....well you I think to each his own...I AM 16 MONTHS OUT! (open RNY distal, 164lbs lost, 3lbs to goal.)
   — Oldsoul

May 27, 2003
hi i love my diet pepsi with lots of ice i could not drink it without any promblems for 6 mos now i am 12 mos out and do not have a promblem i dont drink a lot may a few times a wweek i will have a glass good luck to you

May 27, 2003
I will be three years post op on 06/06/03. I have only just been able to drink diet soda with the fizz within the past three months(approx). Before that, the fizz was quite uncomfortable in my pouch.
   — twenc

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