Wondering if I should keep my job?

I hate my job. It was fine when I weighed 300 pounds and didn't want to see people but now I want to be around people. The only thing keeping me there is my Insurance. I have great insurance and am almost certain they will pay for my TT and breast lift. Problem is I am only 6 months out so I have another year to go before I can thing about it. I am 40 pounds from goal. I really have a lot of skin and I formerly had at least size F breasts. I am concerned if I leave my job and get a different insurance that they will deny my claim saying that it is preexisting. I have not been to a Plastic surgeon so they do not know that I want it done. MY PCP and OBGYN said that they would be surprised if I was denied. The question is should I stay at my job for the insurance, or can I get a new job, will they cover the plastics? anyone else been through this? Ihave BCBS of AL, PPO    — nicole79 (posted on March 31, 2003)

March 31, 2003
Why are you at least a year away from plastic surgery? Seems to me that you're only 40 pounds away if you're only 40 pounds from goal. How bad do you want the plastic surgery? Bad enough to stay in the job a while longer? That doesn't mean you can't job hunt in the meantime. And if you find something you like, check out the insurance in depth before agreeing to take the position. I'm not sure how "upfront" I'd be with a prospective employer about the plastic surgery you intend having. A potential employer may shy away from hiring someone who tells them up front that they are planning plastic surgery that will keep them out of work for any length of time. Just a thought. Best of luck.
   — Pam S.

March 31, 2003
I'm cautious by nature - so I'd say slow down! Everything is changing right now - size, emotions, health. If you've hated your job for a while, can you handle it a little longer? If not, really ask questions about insurance and so on. Good luck!
   — JoSyrNY

March 31, 2003
Nicole~I'd stay with my job for now. Especially if you are certain that insurance would pay for your plastics. Might sound like a bad reason for staying, but I left a job I hated (many years ago-moved out of state) that had the BEST health insurance (pretty much why I stayed for 15 years). I haven't had such great insurance since! Bummer! You don't have to be all the way at goal before plastics. Talk to a plastic surgeon and get his/her opinion on everything. Best of luck to you!
   — Cinna G.

March 31, 2003
If your new jobs pays much better and would cover the cost of your insurance via cobra and then a personal policy that might be an option if you find yourself ready to make a move. Best wishes!!! Liz
   — Liz B.

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