Got Tofu? :)

Hi all :). I am looking for different ways to increase my protein intake so that I can eventually get of my protein powder (as delicious as it is *NOT*). Does anyone have any good tofu recipes that they have actually tried and would recommend to someone they actually like??? A lady at work gave me some recipes that I don't think would be edible... Perhaps she's trying to tell me something... Thanks in advance!!! :)    — SuzAnne S. (posted on January 18, 2003)

January 17, 2003
Hi, I have a few tofu recipes that are so yummy, (well I think so at least) Once upon a time I used to be a vegetarian for 5 years. Lets, see.. my favs are tofu burger, curry tofu, and stir fry. Also, I cant remember the name of it.. but its a recipe for tofu, korean style. If any of these sounds remotely interesting to ya, let me know, and I'll email ya the recipes! ANnie
   — Annie R.

January 17, 2003
Hi there, SuzAnne! I was a vegetarian for over 8 years, I have a bunch of recipes that include tofu, e-mail and let me know what kind you're looking for (like in Mexican or chinese meals) and I'll be happy to share them with you. And they are very delicious! :-) Vi open RNY 9/23/02 down 93 lbs.
   — Vi F.

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