So afraid of weight gain. On Zoloft & the new Nuva Ring anyone experience weight gain

I am 9 months post-op RNY & down about 130lbs. I am SO afraid of gaining the weight back. I was just put on Zoloft for depression. I was previously on Celexa but I was having trouble sleeping on it. Anyhow, has anyone experienced weight gain on Zoloft? I've heard so many differnt stories on this. What in your opinion is the best anti-depressant that doesn't cause weight gain? Also I am on that new birth control, Nuva Ring. Anyone had experiences with this? Same question, any weight gain on this? I was on the ortho-evra patch & hated it. I felt it made me more hungry and moody than usual & it gave me headaches. Any suggestions on birth control that won't make us gain weight? I would appreciate any suggestions!    — Allison T. (posted on January 12, 2003)

January 12, 2003
Hi, I was on Zoloft for a few years and my weight sky rocketed! My doctor told me he had another patient that did the same thing. Prozac is probably the best anti-depressant about not gaining weight while you are taking it. I take Paxil myself and I like it, but it can have a tendency to cause some weight gain also. Each person is different though, so you may want to give Zoloft a try first--watch to see if it does make you gain weight, Zoloft is great for depression!
   — Donna T.

January 12, 2003
For birth control, the IUD is good. It is installed inside the uterus by the doc and does not interfere with eating, digestion, does not cause weight gain, does not change the way you have your periods. Does not cause mood swings or food cravings. You can't feel it in place and is good for a couple of years. Then you need a new one put in. You don't have to remember to take a pill or change a patch. You don't have to put anything in yourself. It has the same effectiveness as the pill.
   — mary ann T.

January 12, 2003
I was on Nora Plant (the inserts in your arm) it worked great for me... I don't remember gaining weight from it... Now I've had my tubes tied so I don't worry with it. The Nor Plant did a fantastic job and lasts for 5 years. - It was covered by my ins. carrier BC/BS at the time also.
   — lindajenkins

January 17, 2003
My response is actually more about the response below! I've read that you should avoid using the IUD during this time of rapid weight loss, because it's fitted for you when the doctor puts it in, but as your size changes, the fit might not be right. I've been exploring other methods of birth control because I have my doubts that the Pill is being properly absorbed. I'm continually getting my period on the third week of active pills. Has anyone tried Depo Provera, and what was your experience with it?
   — sandsonik

January 17, 2003
Wellbutrin works "upstream" from the Seratonin secreting neurons. It has the effect of cutting you appetite dramatically. Ut cuts drown on cravings, you might know it by its other name Zyban.
   — DrQ

January 17, 2003
I am preop but did not notice weight gain with the Nuvaring (until I took it out and got PMS cravings, that is). I don't think the amount of hormones getting to the bloodstream is as great w/the nuvaring as with the patch, the nuvaring acts more locally. Someone mentioned that the fit of the IUD might change; I just got one and they are not sized (a diaphragm is and will need refitting after weight loss). The IUD I got is the Paraguard, it should not be affected by weight loss. It's good for up to 10 years.
   — Catherine H.

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