How about 100% maple syrup or honey?

Instead of using sugar for cooking or baking, how do you handle using these two products? Dump ot not? Also when I was looking in the stores for artificial sweetners, all I see are boxes of packets. Please tell me do you have to open and use 50 packets for like a half cup of sweet? (A little expensive, too) Do the producers package it any larger quanities like bags of white sugar?    — jocelyn (posted on November 20, 2002)

November 19, 2002
Equal and Splenda both make larger packages (without all those tiny packets!) for cooking. It should be right with the boxes of those tiny packets - in the sugar aisle of your grocery store. As for maple syrup, I can only speak of my personal experience - I dumped BADLY on maple syrup - just plain forgot that its natural sugar and had it on a pancake one morning...I was SOOOO sick! So now I use sugar free, or a little bit of jam on my pancakes (when I have them).
   — sssuzie1

November 19, 2002
You can also use DiabetiSweet. It is acesulfame K and it good for cooking or baking. Use measure for measure as you would sugar, it is sugar free, calorie free. You can buy it at Walmart or pharmacies near the diabetic supplies such as glucose monitors, etc. I just made anise toast with it last nite and it was really good. Expensive, yes, they all are. Good luck.
   — Dana S.

November 20, 2002
Just the thought of baking with honey or maple syrup makes me feel nauseated. Dump city for me! I either use granulated fructose or real sugar and stick with the recipes that have less sugar in them. I have used Splenda before, but if it is used in higher quantities it has an aftertaste to me. I like to bake things with fruit in them so that a lot of the sweetness comes from the fruit. I made some WONDERFUL banana bread last night and, though it had 3/4 cup sugar in it, I only ate a little and it didn't make me sick.
   — ctyst

November 20, 2002
ON MY LIPS! Not to mention how fast I'd outgrow my clothes if I messed with that much sugar! The thought terrifies me! I use SugarLike liquid (add maple extract) for syrup, Steel's s/f honey for honey and SugarLike granulated & brown for those jobs. I've been milk & sugar free (except when I'm not paying attention, of course, then crash 'n burn) for 8 yrs. Of all the subs I've used, these are what I like best
   — vitalady

November 20, 2002
You can buy sugarlike at (but I only would use it for baking as it is fairly spendy - though worth it for bakind or any type of hot dish where you need the density of sugar). Splenda is available in 1 and 2 pound equivalent packages - if you can't find them in your local stores you can buy them online at - I love this in iced tea - 3/4 cup to a gallon of tea lasts me two days. Yummm! As for maple syrup it is cooked down to nearly pure sugar. Honey, same thing. It may not make you dump, but it will add to the waistline :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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