HELP..........I can not get enough protien

I am almost 3 weeks post-op and can not get enough protien or fluids, whats wrong with me. I make myself eat, and drink. I need to know if anyone has any ideas for me as far as protien I sound petty but if it dont taste good I cant get it down....HELPPPPP    — Schatzie1 (posted on October 16, 2002)

October 15, 2002
In the first couple of weeks, the concentration is to be on HYDRATION and not protein. Your pouch is still swollen and you will not be able to get a lot of fluids in at one time. Therefore, you need to sip, sip, sip all day long. As you get into the textured foods, from the liquids and pureed to the soft and regular foods, your food choices - and choices for protein - will become greater...JR (open RNY 07/17 -96 lbs)
   — John Rushton

October 15, 2002
Rose- John is right. What is misleading for new pre-ops are all these protein, liquid, and food requirements. This early in the process the focus should be liquid. As my surgeon told me if your decision is between eating and drinking - choose drinking. You will work up to getting the protein in. Personally, I couldn't have gotten much protein in the first six weeks without protein drinks. Even now at almost 5mos I have to use them because I don't do well with meat. Cheryl lap RNY 19weeks -86lbs
   — Cheryl S.

October 16, 2002
I always try to put my protein first. But in reality I would never get in all of my protein without a supplement, especially when I was early post op. I use Real Meals. It has 60 grams of protein per shake. So in the beginning I would do 1/4 of a shake about 2 ounces and it would still have 15 grams of protein. It also has over 40 vitamins and nutrients including biotin (to prevent hair loss) lean mass stimulators(to prevent sagging skin) calcium, vitamin b12, etc. Check out
   — Linda A.

October 16, 2002
You dont sound petty, you sound like a recent post-op. We have all been in your shoes and know how hard it is to eat while still recovering. I myself have never done protein shakes because they make me gag. I also didnt get in the required protein the first cpl of weeks but just do you best and really push the fluids. I have a recipe I use when I get sick of everything food wise.I take a container of cottage cheese, a container of yogurt, a package of sugar pudding and a container of whip cream and put them all in the blender and whip them til smooth. It tastes great and gives you lots of protein. Good luck to you
   — C. L.

October 16, 2002
I'm 2 weeks pre-op as of today and am in your boat with the protein shakes. I will suggest what works for me as far as getting in enough protein. For breakfast I choke down SF CIB- choc. its the only flavor that doesn't make me sick. I add Lactaid becuase I'm lactose intollerant now and Carnation fat free milk powder- which makes me a little gassy, but doesn't bother me like skim milk. That gives me 20 grams right there. For lunch blended soup- Progresso has a chicken noddle 99% fat free that has 7 grams of protein and I add the milk powder again- giving me 15 grams of protein. For a snack during whenever I get hungry I eat Light n' Lively cottage cheese- after I take a Lactaid pill, for 12 grams of protein. If you don't like cottage cheese you could do yogurt. For dinner a SF CIB prepared just like at breakfast or blended soup again. Throughout the day I drink water or decaf. tea. I'm not gonna lie sometimes I don't get in all my protein. I have a friend who had surgery a day before me and she can't stand eating except for popsicles, so she dips her popsicles in her unflavored protein powder. I hope this helps you and good luck.
   — Heather B.

October 16, 2002
I'm having the same problem and haven't even had my WLS yet. It is Nov 11. I talked the nutritionist today about a drink I've found. She told me not to use only, because it doesn't have enought calories in it, but I could use it as some of my liquids each day. It is from GNC it is called Designer Whey Protein Blast. I have the orange passion fit and the grape shape. In 16 oz there are 170 calories, 1 g of carbs, 40g of PROTEIN. It is a little high at $2.99 a bottle. If it works it would be worth it. I like the taste of these now, hope I do after the surgery. I thought with this I won't have to have a shake that is real high in protein. Then maybe it wan't taste so bad. I think these would even make a good popcyle. I hope some of you have some other good answers, I'm still looking for a good shake.
   — VickieG

October 16, 2002
John, the first poster, is right on! HYDRATION is FIRST PRIORITY. My doc said, "if you're not sure weather to eat or drink, then drink." After you start eating, you'll find stuff. Have you tried any protein bars? I love 'em. Also a small amt of tuna, sa;mon, beef, etc. has A LOT of protein! Good Luck.
   — Debby M.

October 16, 2002
I'mbeginning to see why our docs have us on 4 weeks clears before starting food. We start protein supplements (made with water, never milk) on Day 7. so there is no conflict, since our only choice is protein supplement or clear liquids. NOW it makes sense to me! However, we stay on protein supplements for life. There are many protein supps that shake up neatly in 3-4 oz water (with or w/o ice, your choice) and deliver 30g protein, less than 6g sugars. Fast & pouch friendly. I'm pretty lazy, but not lzy enough to forfeit my health or wt loss. I LOVE my protein, so it is no effort to get it in, even now, at 8 yrs later.
   — vitalady

October 16, 2002
I had the same problem until about two weeks ago (I am 10 weeks out). I tried about a million protein drinks and almost gave up. My daily protein now comes from SpiruTein. It's a darn good tasting shake that you mix with milk (or lactaid or even juice if you prefer). My favorite flavor is cookies and cream, but I also have Peach, Strawberry and Cappuchino. They really help me with my energy level and allow me to get through my work-outs. Good luck!
   — mandajuice

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