Did you have a BRAXTON HICKS type of tightness in your abs?

I had a belt lift with muscle work on the abdomen from the breast bone to pubic area 2 wks ago. I have frequent tightness, like a Braxton Hicks contraction. Uncomfortable, but not pain. I'm wondering if anyone else had this, to see if this is the norm. Thanks!    — ZZ S. (posted on October 3, 2002)

October 4, 2002
I had them after both open abdominal surgeries. Not the one you are questioning about....but others. They went away after a while. I just thought it was because the muscles didnt like what happened.
   — RebeccaP

October 8, 2002
I had this too--in the hospital and once I came home. Mine were painful though--I learned to control some of the pain by doing "Lamaze" type of breathing: in through the nose, blow out the mouth. It helped some, but the thing that really helped in the hospital were the injections they gave me to relieve them--just very severe muscle spasms...
   — Carla C.

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