Body lift

I went for a consultation yesterday and was told by my plastic surgeon that I would need a total body lift, due to the excess skin, She said that she would start from the thigh all the way up to my upper body. This will take care of the liposution and tummy tuck for a flat stomach with no bluge around the middle. She said that she will submit it to my insurance company which is vytra and try to get it approve since it is medically necessary and all I need is a letter from my sugeon to support this. My question is has anyone ever been approve for a body lift and did the insurance company pay for it?, or did they just pay for a tummy tuck.... Thanks    — Rebe W. (posted on August 14, 2002)

August 14, 2002
Hi,, I'm scheduled to have my full body lift on 9/9. My insurance (Kaiser) wouldn't even give me a consultation. I'm paying it myself!
   — Molly W.

August 14, 2002
Highly doubtful your insurance will pay for it. If it doesn't ask the doctor to send in for certain procedures at a time (tummy tuck, then do another procedure like a breast reduction) until the insurance starts approving each of the individual procedures. At least they may cover some of these things. You will still end up having to probably pay out of pocket for at least half the procedures. However, if you can get them to pay for the tummy tuck and a breast reduction, the insurance company will pay for the hospital and anesthesia and you would just be responsible for paying the plastic surgeon's fees for the non-covered items. That's a lot cheaper then paying for everything yourself.
   — Patty H.

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