Can you take too much acetaminophen?

I have terrible arthritis in my feet and according to my surgeon I can't take Motrin, etc... anymore since my RNY, I have been taking a lot of acetaminophen such as Tylenol and Darvocet for the pain, I am afraid that this may not be good for my liver and kidneys since the surgery, does anyone much is too much?    — Brenda V. (posted on August 14, 2002)

August 14, 2002
Sounds like a good question for a pharmacist!
   — ctyst

August 14, 2002
I would certainly ask my doc about how much is too much. Darvocet has acetaminophen in it, so you have to count that in as well. Also, read the Tylenol bottle...most say no more than 6 tablets a day. Tylenol stays in the liver and can cause liver toxicity, which can cause a lot of damage, or even death. Get the final word from your don't state how many milligrams of the Tylenol or Darvocet you're taking. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 14, 2002
I am a pharmacist and talk to folks alot about Tylenol. It is toxic to livers and can be overdone. The label instructions of 6 Extra-strenths a day is a pretty safe dose, but twice that can be way too much. Darvocet N-100 has 650 mgs of tylenol (an extra strength one!) so that increases your dose significantly. Talk to your wls doc. There are some new drugs that are easier on stomachs and liver--Celebrex, Vioxx, Bextra but your prescribing doc MUST be familiar with wls. Best wishes! Lori
   — Loricat

August 14, 2002
One thing I want to add. I'm sure the poster knows this, but anyone else out there reading should be aware that Acetaminophen should NEVER be mixed with alcohol. The effects on the liver can be fatal in some circumstances.
   — Tina B.

August 14, 2002
I've read that you shouldn't take more than 4000 mg a day, and no more than 1000 mg at one time. If you take more than that, it can cause damage to your liver. Good luck with your pain. My doctor prescribed Vioxx for me to take when I have bad menstrual cramps.
   — Christine L.

August 14, 2002
I have osteoarthritis and am having to give up my Lodine I've taken for years for inflammatory pain. My surgery is tomorrow (8/15). When I asked about this I was told I could take tylenol products by the book or darvocet as long as I didn't exceed daily dosages for me. Their goal was to use this method of pain management for my osteoarthritis until my blood pressure came down after the WLS and I could discontinue my blood pressure medication. Then I could move to something like Vioxx. You might ask your doctor about that.
   — Cathy S.

August 14, 2002
Unfortunately after WLS there are several drugs that we can no longer take-some temporarily as our pouches heal, some drugs we can take again for short term use and some never again. I was told Motrin based products can cause pouch burn and ulcers. I had to stop Vioxx, one of my favorites, however, I am prescribed it for short term use and my surgeon has said that as long as I take it on a full stomach and drink plenty of water, I should be OK.
   — Cindy R.

August 15, 2002
You can absolutely overdose on Tylenol!! That's why people (namely young girls) make a vain attempt at suicide for attention and take a handful of it and end up dying. Anything over 7 to enough to kill you. I was a prescription addict for quite some time and took percocet which has some acetaminophen in it as a binding agent. I can recall taking 4 and then taking 2 more and then 2 more and so on and after a while I got these horrible stomach I took another pain pill. The cramps got I took another pain pill.....and so on. I finally realized it wasn't stomach cramps. It was my liver screaming at me to stop!!!! I am clean & sober now for 5 years. I stopped drinking and I take methadone for my opiate addiction. I quit smoking 12 days ago and my surgery is 12/27/02. I hope this info is helpful to you.
   — debih001

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