Has anyone researched having belt lipectomy done vs a tradtional tummy tuck?

I'm thinking that because of my shape (very much an apple with almost all of my excess weight in the trunk) that this might me a better route for me. Any post-operative WLS apples out there who can comment? Thanks for your responses.    — Paula H. (posted on August 3, 2002)

August 3, 2002
Hi. Thanks for finally asking what I want to know about! I never hear anyone talking about belt lipectomies and they seem so much better than TT's or panni's for people who have lost massive amounts of weight. I am certainly going to need EVERYTHING lifted and tucked, including my back, hips, thighs, arms, breasts, etc.. BL's seem the way to go. I am very interested in belt lipectomies (I'm still 11 days pre-op!) and wonder if they are done anywhere other than the University of Iowa, how much they cost and whether or not they are ever covered by insurance. Any information that anyone has would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
   — Rebecca T.

August 3, 2002
I have no answer for this question, but this is a new term to me, and would like to know what the difference is, I am 47 lbs for goals, and the ole plastic surgery is entering my head, thanks
   — Jeri P.

August 3, 2002
i just discovered this form of plastic surgery myself & am very interested in finding out more about it. does the everyday plastic surgeon do it or is it done by only a few? how do u find a surgeon that does it? i am going to do my research & will post what i find.
   — sheryl titone

August 3, 2002
I found some information on this. See the link below. WARNING: it does contain nudity. Thanks for asking this question. I never heard of it, but it seems like produces great results.
   — MoLyn

August 3, 2002
Wow - Mo Lynn - great site from the Univ of Iowa....everyone should check it out...very informative.
   — Lisa J.

August 3, 2002
I've heard it referred as a body lift before; of course there is a more scientific name to it. :) From all the pictures I've seen of those who've lost more than 60 lbs, a body lift or belt lipectomy would be the best bet. I think some plastic surgreons include a breast lift in the whole procedure too. It's a long operation though, about 6-8 hours or so. It depends on the patient, how long they can be under anesthesia and how well they recovered and if they are in good health or not. I'm looking forward to losing all this weight but I'm worried about the extra skin; as it seems destined to be hanging there after losing all the weight I need to. Another operation. I probably will go through it to help me feel even better about my self image. Cathy
   — jenlaur1

August 3, 2002
check out this web site
   — lee J.

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