Hi, TT and BR

Hello I had my TT and BR on 07/18/02. They are atill draining about 120cc per 12 hour period. Is this normal. Do I clean them or just wait until I see the Dr. on Wed.    — lynbaby B. (posted on July 22, 2002)

July 22, 2002
Your Doctor should have explained what he wanted to you Call him I had a TT on 4-9-02 and I had to empty my drains and keep track of the amount of liq.. but to be on the safe side give him a call
   — Kathleen M.

July 22, 2002
Hi: I had my TT and breast lift on the 16th...So tomorrow it'll be a week. My breast drains (one in each) have slowed significantly...about less than 10 ml's in a 24 hour period. I go to see the PS today, I am hoping that those drains come out!! As for the tummy, they are still flowing pretty heavily! About 90 ml's per day. It is still pretty red to! I has told to drain these "granaides" about 4 times a day, and keep a record. As for the cleaning...I have been told to change the dressings on my inscicions every day. At that time, I also give myself a sponge bath. I abosultely, HATE this! So far, I'm not real happy with the results. The breasts look great, but the tummy is still really fleshy! How does yours look?
   — Karen A.

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