How much money are all you posties spending on vitamins and supliments per month??

How much money are all you posties spending on vitamins and supliments per month??    — k r. (posted on July 16, 2002)

July 16, 2002
My calcium citrate cost $12.99 for 1.5 mo., my B-12 was $5.99 for 3 mos. and my chromium is about the same. My multi-vites I bought at Costco (so you can imagine the size of container) it was 8.99 and I am sure it lasts me half a year. The price of my "meds" is under what I would spend on a meal... that's for sure! The rest of the stuff I take is covered by insurance and not WLS related.
   — Karen R.

July 16, 2002
I only take 2 pills. Both are prescription drugs. One is a pre-natal vitamin and the other is an iron pill. Since my insurance pays for them, it costs me about $20 a month in copayments total.
   — Patty H.

July 16, 2002
One word: COSTCO. I do two multi-vitamins from Costco. The first is a "Premium" multi-vit with herbs and antioxidants, which costs about $12 for 300 or so of them. (That's taken at night.) I also do a B-complex multi-vit which costs about $8 for 300 too. I recently bought some of their calcium supplements to try, that was $8 for 300, need to take 2 a day. So the cost is very, very reasonable. All of them to oare the Costco/Kirkland Signature brand. I used to do the Flintstones chewables but found I really don't like the taste anymore. So, less that $30 for the supply, which will easily last me at least 6-8 months or so. Not bad. Hope this helps!
   — Sarah C.

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