should I trust the plastic surgeon?

My insurance approved a panni. but not abdominoplasty, the plastic surgeon said they were the same thing but I've been told they are not the same. Should I trust this surgeon??    — JENN *. (posted on July 15, 2002)

July 15, 2002
Jenn, depending on the state in which you live. Perhaps the *terminology* your plastic surgeon uses is different in your state. In the area where I currently reside, each of these procedures *panniculectomy* and *abdominoplasty* are somewhat different as mentioned before on another post. Diana Thompson, another member of this website is VERY knowledgeable of procedures directly related to Gastric Bypass (whether open or LAP) and some others. I won't say not to trust your plastic surgeon at this point,. You do HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK QUESTIONS, and your surgeon should answer them accurately and in a way that you are able to understand. Also, check out this surgeons credentials, etc. Find out if he/she has done surgeries on other patients. The same criteria in selecting a plastic surgeon, goes just like selecting an WLS surgeon for gastric bypass surgeries. Check out his "tract record". In your case, if the plastic surgeon is flippant, or non-chalant and an attitude the is suggestive to you he or she is "conducting business as usual" I'd be leary about that surgeon and might consider looking elsewhere for another. Keep in mind that some surgeons just don't have that "warm and fuzzy" personality. What REALLY matters is his competence, credentials and skill. I believe this website specifically admonishes us to pay close attention to the way the office staff treats you as well. Most of the information I have, was obtained through sources connected through this great website. If you'd rather email me directly, I'd be happy to provide you with information that may prove to be helpful to you. ~~Hope this helps~~Hadiyah :)
   — yourdivaness

July 15, 2002
from the research I have done the panniculectomy and the abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) are not the same. The panniculectomy is where they just remove the pannus and the abdominoplasty is where they repair the muscle and remove the pannus. I would be weary of a surgeon who tells you they are the same...plastic surgery deserves just as much research as we have put into the WLS. good luck :)
   — Ilene M.

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