I was approved for panniculectomy should I appeal to get abdominoplasty

with the panniculectomy is the upper abdomen effect at all?    — JENN *. (posted on July 8, 2002)

July 8, 2002
If you can get it approved, go for it. Mine would only approve the lower because they consider the upper not to be medically necessary. Although, I was very disappointed in my surgeon in that I don't think he even tried to put it through and I probably would have been approved because I had (and still do, I might add) a hernia that was near the top of my incision. He said that he didn't want to do anything above the bellybutton when I asked him why he didn't fix it afterwards. He said my bellybutton was herniated, so he fixed that. So now I still have loose skin above my waist and I think my tummy sticks out there. DH tells me it is because I am almost 40 and not 20! Thanks a heap!!!
   — livnliter

July 8, 2002
Search the library on this under "muff tuck". I swear, as hilarious as some of the posts are, it gave me valuable information as to what to ask for (insist on) when the time came. Often, when my husband sees me confronted with temptation and ignoring it, or gagging down water, he sneaks up behind me and whispers "muff tuck". Okay, was that a vulgar post?
   — Karen F.

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