I have an abdomnioplasty done 08/08/02

I have been thinking about having it earlier. I scheduled it that far out so I can maybe lose 20 more lbs before surgery. I dont see that happening. I have been trying and I have still been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs. So calling all people who had this done, would you go ahead and have it sooner, and how soon did you go back to work?    — lynbaby B. (posted on June 19, 2002)

June 19, 2002
I'm having my TT done in August whether I'm at my goal weight or not. My plastic surgeon said it was ok to do as long as your within 20 pounds of your goal weight and I just barely meet that right now. I'm still hoping to lose 10 pounds by August but even if I don't, I'm doing the TT. He also told me to take at least 2 weeks off but another friend of mine who had it done recommended 3 weeks off work.
   — Patty H.

June 19, 2002
I just had my TT done a week ago today...I was 7 lbs from being in "ideal weight" range...and I desperately wanted to get there, until at a pre op meeting with my surgeon he told that as long as I was within 20 lbs of my goal weight, I would be fine. By they way, 1 week post TT, and I am down that 7 lbs, plus 3 more. That 20 will probably come off as a result of have to ask yourself how much does that skin tissue weigh that you are having removed...and remember, you'll be without any appetite for a few days (darn anesthesia), so you'll lose a little more from that. I figured I lost 4 lbs of skin/fat tissue and six more just from having no appetite for several days. I am just getting myself back up and running...Take care and good luck! Have a sparkling day!
   — Mustang

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