Would like to hear Input of Post-Ops who Have had Multiple Plastic Surgeries

I'm still fighting with my insurance regarding reconstructive vs. cosmetic for arms, breasts, and thighs. I've had abdominoplasty and am very pleased with the results. I'd like to ask post-ops who have had multiple procedures if they have any permanent loss of sensation in any areas, especially breasts. For those of you who have had your thighs done, were you really pleased? Were the results dramatic and how visible are the scars? I really don't want to go through with more surgery unless I can achieve dramatic results. I'm not expecting to come out with the body of a supermodel, but I want it to be worth it. When is it time to say enough is enough?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on February 19, 2002)

September 23, 2003
Any answers to this one?
   — Kimberly J.

September 21, 2004
I had tummy tuck and arms done at the same time surgon did unacceptable job on tummy so I am having it revised with my lateral thigh and buttox lift as well as breast lift and implants depending on how well things go surgon will determine the brest surgery during the actual surgery he is planning 10 hours for all of it combining surgeries is the cheapest option by the way make sure your Dr. has lots of before and after photos to show you .Also cost of the outter thigh,buttox,tummy scar revision,breast lift w/implants 14,700 includes hospital stay and anestesia.Good Luck!
   — Merri M.

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