I have been having trouble keeping the vitamins and liquid iron down

Im 2 weeks post will it hurt if i dont take them everyday?    — JOYCE C. (posted on December 26, 2001)

December 25, 2001
Dear Joyce, when I was 2 days post-op, I had a bladder infection and the doctors and nurses made me take antibiotics in pill form. I was terrified, but it didn\'t hurt. Then, as I got further out, pills started to bother me more. NOW, they don\'t bother me at all. I would recommend you ask your surgeon or PCP if they Really want you on iron right now. If they say yes, I\'d recommend going to the local health store or and order Elemental Iron. I take Sundown Iron Carbonyl. It\'s in a small bottle, with an orange label. You take two, but they\'re small little pills. And, since you\'re suppossed to take Elemental iron anyways, you\'ll be ahead of the game. Remember to take your iron with vitamin C (I like the Kirkland Chewable Vitamin C--orange flavored yum) and remember, no dairy, antibiotics or caffiene with these two vitamins. Hopefully this will work out for you. Best of Luck.
   — Kristin R.

December 25, 2001
Have you taken iron before? A lot of people have trouble with it. It often causes stomach upset. I would make sure you \"eat\" first and then take them, but not milk products. I don\'t know if this will help, but when I was pregnant I took my iron pills on an empty stomach and it was not good!
   — ctyst

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