Bloodwork shows that my protein level is low

Any ideas on the amount of protein I need to ingest at 5 months post op and 243 pounds (down 81 pounds since surgery)? I have been doing 55 grams of protein via shake (ProBlend 55 Mocha Cappucino) daily since about 1 month post-op (I have two 27.5 gram shakes a day). I had my blood taken by my endocrinologist about 1 month ago and was told all is well. I went to my PCP who also took blood and told me that my Pre-Albumin level was 17 and that the normal level is 20-40. She suggested I have more protein and see a dietician. I'm surprised at this level since I'm usually so adamant about getting in my protein. (I also get it in food). But I also understand that 60 grams is the MINIMUM. I just recently added another 30 grams to my diet via Cher-Amino pre-digested collagen protein (this was added after my PCP appt but before her call to me today). Will this help? Or do you think I need to up my protein more? I had the RNY and 5 feet bypassed. Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 26, 2001)

November 26, 2001
I've suspected that 60g is not enough for that 150cm bypass. 90g oughta help you. (30g in Cheramino, 4T) When do they test again? I'm thinking your food is probably worth less than 30% at 150cm. Will they test again in a month or 6 weeks after you move to 90g?
   — vitalady

November 26, 2001
Thanks Michelle. I didn't mean to post that anonymously. I just came from your site reading about the amount of protein needed (thanks for your wisdom and knowledge!). My endocrinologist also talks about the .8 factor. Anyway, my PCP said that I could test it again whenever I wanted. So I will do the 90 grams and have her check it again after the first of the year. (By the way, I'm beginning to get used to the nasty taste of Cher-Amino...can you believe it? :-) Do you think 90 is good for a base and that perhaps I should go to 120? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Also, is the collagen better absorbed than the whey? I guess I could email you privately but I already typed it here and maybe others want to know. Thanks! God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

November 26, 2001
You got USED to Cheramino? LOL! Well, I use it, but I much prefer chocolate, thanks. The .8 rule is for normies. For anyone out of normal spheres, they use 1.2g of protein per kg of body wt. HOwever, the modern version is 1g per 1# of body wt. It's simpler, but complicated if your present wt is 500#! Also, for myself, that would mean I only need about 100g & I don't feel as good or get as good labs on that. I prefer 180g. But then, none of them refer to malabsorption in the mix. Collagen is one of the lwest forms of protein out there. Many mfr don't make one. Doesn't even show up on my bioavailability list. I'm not a fan of it as your ONLY protein supp. But if you do one collagen and one whey (or more), it might improve your numbers. Don't know why it works that way, but the variety seems to stimulate asorption. It's ANOTHER one of those things that isn't documented anywhere.
   — vitalady

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