partial bowel obstruction
I am almost 4 yrs out from surgery and have not had any complications up until this point. Last saturday I started having some abdominal pain in my diaphram area and it radiated into my lower back(I have already had my gall bladder removed before sugery) so I thought it was gas and took gas X. Well it hurt all day and into the night. I did not hurt at all sunday but it was back monday afternoon. It continued into tues so I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with having H Pylori bacteria and was prescribed the prev pack for 2 wks. They found I had this before surgery when they did the EGD but I didn't even know I had it and had no symptoms. I did the prev pack then for it too. Well by Wed I was in horrible pain and went to the ER screaming! I went through 3 shots of dilaudid before it went away. I was admitted and they did 2 ct scans before saying I had a partial bowel obstruction in the small intestine. I didn't have any vomiting though so by that they thought things were partially getting through. I stopped having any pain, had a bowel movement, and was able to tolerate liquids then regular food without pain so they let me go home Friday after lunch. The doctor said the problem had corrected itself. He also said it was from adhesions from my bypass and it may be something I have to live with unless it gets completely blocked then they will have to go in correct it which can lead to more adhesions. He did prescribe me an anti spasm med for the intestines when I am in pain. Has anyone else had this problem???
That is horrible!
I did a lot of research on bowel obstructions because I had been worried that my mother (who is the most recent member of my family to have WLS) was getting one. (It turns out she was just constipated really bad - no bowel obstruction. But by then, she and I had both done so much research that we were probably dreaming about bowel obstructions.)
I read that 85% of bowel obstructions resolve on their own without any medical intervention. That was comforting - especially since she was cash pay and she was terrified that she'd have some complication that required another surgery.
I know this is not exactly the kind of feedback you were probably looking for. But I wanted to reply to tell you about that statistic that 85% of bowel obstructions resolve themselves because it sounds like that is what yours did. (That's a good thing... you didn't want another surgery!)
I did a lot of research on bowel obstructions because I had been worried that my mother (who is the most recent member of my family to have WLS) was getting one. (It turns out she was just constipated really bad - no bowel obstruction. But by then, she and I had both done so much research that we were probably dreaming about bowel obstructions.)
I read that 85% of bowel obstructions resolve on their own without any medical intervention. That was comforting - especially since she was cash pay and she was terrified that she'd have some complication that required another surgery.
I know this is not exactly the kind of feedback you were probably looking for. But I wanted to reply to tell you about that statistic that 85% of bowel obstructions resolve themselves because it sounds like that is what yours did. (That's a good thing... you didn't want another surgery!)
Yes, I have. In fact, it took 3 trips to the ER and 3 separate admissions before (on the 3rd one) I had surgery to remove the adhesions.
I will have to say on the 3rd trip, I went directly to the ER where my WLS was performed and that is when my surgeon decided he would go have a look-see. Thank goodness he did, and fixed the problem. I have not had any problems since then, but was warned I could get more adhesions later on. Just something we have to deal with when having any type of abdominal surgery.
Mine was partial obstruction also, that would resove itself temporarily when placed on full liquids. Hope you don't have further issues, but if you do, having surgery to fix it was the best choice for me.
I will have to say on the 3rd trip, I went directly to the ER where my WLS was performed and that is when my surgeon decided he would go have a look-see. Thank goodness he did, and fixed the problem. I have not had any problems since then, but was warned I could get more adhesions later on. Just something we have to deal with when having any type of abdominal surgery.
Mine was partial obstruction also, that would resove itself temporarily when placed on full liquids. Hope you don't have further issues, but if you do, having surgery to fix it was the best choice for me.