Tuesday thought~ Where do you struggle?
1. I haven't taken any of my medication except Flintstones and Pepcid since surgery. No preprescription or supplements.
2. Have eaten mashed potatoes and gravy from KFC and loved every bite of them.
3. Have eaten more then 1/2 whenever I get pureed food and don't seem to get that full feeling.
4. Eat one bite right after the other without putting my spoon down.
5. Getting all my protein from 3 shakes a day
6. Don't sip, sip, sip, but drink regularly
7. Want a Hardee's mushroom burger and fries sooooooooooooooooo bad. I'm not craving sweets because all my protein shakes are chocolate. In fact I'm beginning to hate chocolate.
8. Haven't experiment with any protein powers or anything else. Taking the easy way out and using the protein shakes I already had.
9. Haven't read anything since surgery about recipes or what else I can do to help myself post op. I guess I think someone is going to just drop it in my lap.
When I told my DH how much I wanted the hamburger he said, "well then this surgery may not help you at all." This really hurt me, but deep down I'm afraid he's right. What if after I'm put myself and my family though all of this I either don't loose the weight and/or loose it and then gain it back. What is wrong with me that I would let food be that important to me?
My DH has ask me if I have turned this craving over to the Lord yet and I had to say NO I haven't. Why not?
This is the most honest I'm been to anyone in a long time. I hope by putting this down on paper it will help me. It is wonderful to feel that you guys will not judge me no matter how stupid I have been. So far I'm holding at a 10lb weight loss since surgery 2 weeks ago. Is that about normal?
I go to the doctor tomorrow for my 2 week post op and will let you know what he says when I get home.
Thanks for listening.
It's ok to be honest. We are here to support you. And yet also part of that support is to help guide one another back to the right things, or the things that will help us in the longterm. You're still struggling with the postop life, and rightly so. You just had your surgery a few weeks ago. We cannot expect you to know all the rules AND abide by them all, YET. LOL.
Admitting your problem areas is wonderful because you see there is a problem. You have listed them all down for yourself to refer back to later. Now, one by one, begin to work at correcting those problem areas. I confessed that I was having a hard time taking my iron pills. One missed pill... that's all it took... and then I found myself off track. I was sharing just yesterday with a lady how if you are reading and following directions to get from Point A to Point B, let's say you turn one block before you are suposed to. You're still in the general vicinity of where you need to be... but then suddenly, you drive and drive, until you are 10 miles away from your destination and wondering "How on earth did I get here?" What helps is to say "this doesn't look right for some reason..." and turn around. You are doing just that: quickly making a turnaround! Wonderful. You won't be too far off track! That one little missed iron pill took me to a place I didn't expect to find myself...
But, all it took was for me to pick that pill bottle up out of the basket, take it to work and put it right in front of my computer monitor. I see it now every morning when I get here, and take my iron pill for the day. Problem solved. One by one, every point you made on your list, work towards corw every morning when I get here, and take my iron pill for the day. Problem solved. One by one, every point you made on your list, work towards cor have faith in you. YOU CAN DO IT!