I only had to do a liquid diet for a week before surgery and luckily I did not have to do only sugar free so it was not so hard. I was trying to lose some weight though, so I didn't drink too many full sugar things. I used lots of beef and chicken bouillon. It is so much more flavorful than plain broth. I ate the broth from wonton soup when I went out. I drank lots of Crystal Light but I indulged in my Mello Yello since I knew I wouldn't be having it anymore after surgery. I loved the sugar free Tropicana drinks, orange and lemonade, and they are NOT carbonated so you can have them after surgery as well. If you are on full liquids, the Healthy Request cream soups are delicious and really do fill you up.
Also, try EAS Advantage Carb Control shakes. They are really good, not thick or with a texture that is not pleasant, they only have a few carbs in them and have 15 grams of protein. They are also one of the items allowed on the full liquid stage after surgery so you can keep using them afterwards.
Well, good luck with everything and I hope this has helped!
Just keep protein high and carbs low and fats too. I use whey protein shake powder and make my own. I prefer ones that only use splenda (sucrolose) or acefultamek to sweeten. Get Chocolate and vanilla and make your own. Add decaf coffee instant to the chocholate for a morning shake. Just do vanilla or add flavors from davinci sugar free syrups or peanut butter ( natural with no trans fats). Add some fruit to the vanilla for now after surgery that may be a no no for a while. Keep up with your calories and use water, non fat milk or dry milk to mix. Blessings to you. Keep us informed
Beth B. in Chattanooga