Having a problem with protien
Can anyone help me with this one?
I am 7 weeks out almost 8 now. I have started getting very sick after I drink protien shakes or liquid in tubes. I am running a fever and go through hot and cold sweats atfer I drink the protien. I am even throw up for three hours and still feel very bad. I do not know what I should do now.I am fine as long as I do not take the protien shakes and tubes. I am thinking of calling my doctor today about what is going on with me and the protien drinks. I am going on two weeks without protien. I do not feel sick or weak but I do not want to hurt myself because I can not stomach the shakes and tubes. What do any of you my good friends have for advice for me on this subject. Should I be worried about this?
Your friend,
Hey Tina, here's my 2 cents worth, call your Dr., I am now getting in more protein, but I paid the price with losing most of my hair. That or the chemo helped that problem out real fast. I had to have my throat dialated twice in Dec. Now it's acting up again. I will probably end up going on a high protein feeding tube, if they can't get it settled. Don't full around with your health. Let Hodge know what is going on, and we aren't talking about sometime over the next few days, we're talking about right now. I'll check up on you later. Love ya, Kathy